What factors do you consider that make you go, “I want to be this person’s friend”?

  1. The fact that they care about me is a big one. Not going to be friends with someone who just uses me and forgets about me. They’d be in the friend category if they would make the effort to go to a birthday party of mine or we go on vacation together etc.

  2. As long as said person is not:
    Gossiper/Toxic/critics of minor issues

    Laughs at other people’s misery (especially in front of them in a mean manner)

    Negative (views everything that happened to them and others as a bad thing)

    Points and gestures at strangers/friends with bad intentions

    Stubborn (in a I am right You are wrong manner and refuses to admit if wrong)

    Hung up on negativity (constantly says the same thing that has long since passed.

    Closed-minded (very hung out about trying new things, even if it’s harmless)

    Then I am happy to be your friend!

  3. I have seen great manipulator who, at the initial stage of knowing you, will come off as nice, initiate conversation, pretend to be interested in you, and hit a bunch of attributes mentioned here of a nice friend.

    Be careful.

  4. Share my values, matches my energy, shared interests or hobbies, they’re easy to talk and make me feel accepted

  5. My criteria hasn’t really changed since childhood. If I wouldn’t go to your house or you wouldn’t ask me, we aren’t friends

  6. They are genuine, we can share silences, very open minded (while thinking atleast), trustworthy.

    You can definitely guess that I have less friends. but all of them are amaze ♥️

  7. Feeling comfortable, emotionally safe to be myself with, ability to trust they are someone who would have my back, mutual respect and enjoy their company.

  8. I have a tendency to prefer people who don’t swear in French (if they use church words in a bad way), swearing in English is acceptable imo

  9. Simple. The moment I feel they truly care about me, and I feel they have integrity, as well as being an honest individual.

  10. Someone with the same sense of humour as me. I don’t want to feel judged or inhibited by someone.

  11. I feel good to be around them. They get me to open up. When I think of people who have drawn me in I think of someone who is talkative, friendly, passionate and thoughtful and who don’t have a mean bone in their body. Resorting to gossip or mean-spirited comments about people who aren’t present is an instant turn off.

  12. I never get that feeling unless it’s romantic. This is part of the problem I’m trying to fix. I feel the negative effects of not having friends besides my bf but I genuinely just don’t take interest in people unless I’m trying to date them and I don’t know how it ended up like this, I feel like I’m missing a big part of what everyone feels.

  13. Non judgmental, Open and genuine . The minute I see a hint of judgmental behavior I back off . It’s usually a sign to me that you bring negative energy. I’m not about that shit.

  14. If a person is non judgemental, has interests in many fields and is curious, smart, creative,witty, positive and trustworthy…

  15. Enthusiastic, curious, genuine, polite, interesting, interested.

    I feel like I’m all those things, so I like to be friends with the people who return the energy I put out

  16. their demeanor and just our interaction; how we “vibed”…conversation just easily flows, share the same humor

  17. Either I find a lot in common with them, or I see them as a means to an end usually that being some entertainment or people I don’t mind hanging out with when I just want to change up my routine (did you expect me to say I’d scam them?).

  18. Probably the vibes. Like you get some off vibes from some people. I could be wrong but I also get good vibes from a lot of other people so I don’t mind being wrong and staying away from certain people

  19. Everyone is a potential friend by default until they mess up. I don’t decide to start being friends with people, I decide when they’re out.

  20. I like interacting with them and they like interacting with me, it’s simple and my only condition!

  21. Hm.. I think I’ve really only felt this once in recent years. Other than that, I feel like decisions by me weren’t needed and being friends occurred naturally.

    But for that one friend, iirc she seemed easy to get along with, soft-spoken, and genuinely was interested in getting to know me too. It’s been nice, because we’ve only gotten closer since. It’s really easy to confide in her, and it’s super fun to duet karaoke with her 🙂

  22. Conversations feel natural and life-giving, they make me laugh out loud/smile, genuinely cares what I have to say, I can be my true self without fear of judgement, and I walk away feeling happier after hanging out with them.

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