So today I(30F) got a raise at my job and I told my friend(32M).
He was very happy for me. He also immediately proposed to organize a phone call to celebrate.
I have to say our phone calls last a lot, ~ 1 hours.

Now I know I sound crazy but I got very annoyed suddenly. I thought something good happened to me and soon he tried to find an angle to benefit himself. Why should a call benefit himself? Because he’s so disperate for contact. He often asks me for phone calls and he writes to me multiple times every day.
He gets sad and anxious if I don’t talk for a day even if the first thing I told him is that I don’t want to chat everyday but once every two or 3 days.

Just two days ago he called me and he was having some kind of breakdown because he was feeling lovely. So it’s clear a call is manly for his own good. Or is it?

For an external point of view talking over the phone to celebrate is a normal thing to do and ask. And I was effectively told by my therapist that I have paranoid traits.

I’m not annoyed that he wants to call me, it’s the excuse of the celebration, it’s like he pretended to wish to do a thing for me (celebrate my raise) but actually it was self serving.

I had this vibe other times, the call of few days ago started with him asking me how I was because he was allegedly worried about me, once he offered to come to my house to help me focus on study (I struggle a lot) but I know it’s just because he wants to spend time with me. Which again is not bad in itself, it’s the pretense that turns a genuine wish for time together in a opportunistic behaviour.
(Also once he offered to come to my house to help me with some chores with my house and garden, I said I didn’t need help but I ended up inviting him anyway to just spend time together. Well, I could do on my own actually but he watched me work for hours w/o never offering again. He didn’t even offer to wash the dishes after dinner, a standard offer, which could have been nice since I had to wash them at 2am. So I have cause to think his offer to help are fake).

To complete the picture of why I’m suspicious of his honesty, I caught him lying like 10 times. They were very little lies, like “I have read this book” “I dislike this music” “My favourite painting in this museum is X” and they were caused by his huge desire to please people and to get approval, so not malicious but they got me to mark him as not honest. He also has been honest with very big things, things that an average person would not say. He confessed me very delicate and “cringe” things from his past.

A lot of what he says seems performative to me, but I don’t have any cause to think that. But like once unprompted he said “You don’t need to worry about me, I would never be violent to a woman” but who would say that if not to be performative? Like it’s the normal behaviour, why are you telling me like it’s special? Except for this episode, it’s just a vibe.

Like I said I have actually paranoid traits but also I’m good at reading people, it’s very uncommon for me to be surprised by a person. I suspect I’m being paranoid and excessive and also I’m right partly about him.

What do you think?

I don’t know why I get so angry about it either. Like I know other people who are very self centered and opportunistic, even very close people (my mother, my best friend) and I’m ok with that. It’s a flaw which a lot of people can have. My friend instead drives me over the walls.

1 comment
  1. Why are you keeping a friend behaves in ways that makes you unhappy?

    Is it more about your lack of friends and attention? If you had more, would he be gone already?

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