How does everyone feel about there partner going for drinks whith there guy friends

  1. Doesn’t bother me none, we’ve been together so long that all the ‘just waiting for their chance’ guys fucked off years ago. All our friends are couples at this point so a 1 on 1 would be pretty rare too, so context matters a lot.

  2. With my friends? Good. Happy. Proud.

    *Little* bit nervous what my mates might reveal about me! Lol but otherwise, no it’s good. My babe is a good talker and makes any social occasion better

  3. Either you trust your partner or you don’t. If you do, then there’s nothing to worry about.

    If you don’t, then either that lack of trust is warranted or it’s not, and either way, it doesn’t bode well for the future of the relationship.

  4. I love it – have fun babe.

    Don’t marry or date people you don’t trust. Pretty simple.

  5. Men who think every dude is trying to bang their girl are just confessing that’s that they would do in the same situation.

    If you can’t trust someone you don’t deserve a relationship.

  6. Friends are friends. If you don’t trust that your partner won’t randomly fuck their friends, there’s bigger issues at play.

  7. I wouldn’t seriously date a woman who did this. That’s not something I want to deal with in my life. Most of those guy’s want to smash. Let’s be honest about that.

  8. If she wantes to cheat on me she would’ve done it.

    I trust her to not be a cunt though and I’d just be laughing at her for being the designated driver as she hates alcohol

  9. since you’re partner is a free, independent being they should be able to do whatever they want to do. and you should trust them.

  10. Her life, her choice. I wouldn’t date someone I don’t trust. And if they break that trust, well… it wouldn’t bother me much because I know I dodged a bullet and that they aren’t the person I thought they were.

  11. My wife doesn’t have any guy friends. They all took off when we started dating. I found that a little telling about their motivations.

  12. I feel about as good about it as I feel about people who don’t use the proper form of the word _there_.

  13. For me it’s a little different, if she says she’s going out for drinks it’s ok have fun. If it’s anything else she will let me know and I remind her of what is allowed

  14. Couldn’t care less. If she goes out and fucks one of them, she wasn’t ever mine in the first place.

    My partner wouldn’t do that.

    On to the next.

  15. I don’t care, if someone is going to cheat they will find a way. Youre better off trusting them and letting them give you a reason not to than not trusting them, being controlling, and giving them a reason (not saying it’s an acceptable one).

  16. It’s not about trust, it’s about respect. A woman that respects you wouldn’t go out and get drunk with another man just like I wouldn’t go out and have drinks with another woman alone. If it’s a group setting then it’s fine.

  17. Fine.

    Though, maybe a bit uneasy if it was 1-on-1 with that one friend that confessed (with a written letter) they liked my partner *after* they knew we were already dating. Won’t stop them or bitch about it, but don’t expect me to be friends with that person.

    Also, if they expect me to trust them, but don’t trust me in similar situation with opposite gender; not worth it.

  18. I don’t mind at all, though context is important. Old friends, our friends, or work colleagues – no problem.

    Some random guy…I’d probably be curious why this random guy is meriting drinks w/ my Wife. But, since it has never happened, it doesn’t cross my mind at all.

  19. She can go out with her guy friends all she wants. Just don’t expect to be in a relationship when you get back.

  20. go for it, dont get into any situation where she would tell me i love you if it was with me. if shes gonna hook up with him, better let me know so i can watch and join. lol

  21. My partner wouldn’t want to go out alone with another man. Therefore I don’t have to worry about 🙂

  22. My wife has a guy friend she goes for drinks with every now and again. My attitude is simple and honestly it’s not really about whether I trust her or not. The simple fact is in any relationship you have to give your partner enough rope to hang themselves. If she wants to cheat she’ll find a way. And when she does she gets served papers. Simple as.

    Plus she’s an attractive woman who works in healthcare. She is often getting comments and approaches from male patients. These are often sad , vulnerable guys with poor boundaries. When that happens she tells me. So there’s a degree of trust there but as said, she’s a smart woman, if she wanted to cheat with some random dude or friend she could.

    But it’s a hard boundary for me. No negotiation or even an attempt to control her. She cheats, she’s history.

  23. Your feelings matter, if you are not happy about something then don’t condemn yourself to a life of misery and suspicion. This is the most basic of relationship issues. We have all been out for drinks in mixed groups. We all know what can happen. How many times have you heard someone give the “i was drunk” excuse for this, that, or the other thing? I would give a warning and begin my exit plan.

  24. Idk going out for drinks with just dudes seems odd when your married. I’d probably have some questions. It’s a lot different if she’s meeting up with other couples, since most all of our friends now are couples. She did meet her old boss for coffee a few weeks back, which was more to catch up and talk about job opportunities. He’s cool though, been to his house several times, know his wife and kids pretty well. So context matters.

  25. Generally, fine. I go out to eat or grab drinks with friends of both sexes plenty as well, including 1-1.

    If there’s a *specific* person who I have concerns about I’d bring it up and we’d talk about it. But they don’t currently have any friends I’d have concerns about.

  26. Nah. You don’t have guy friends. Im your damn friend.

    In all seriousness, in a group setting, coworkers, acquaintances etc, im fine. My rule is if you were hanging out before you met me, then who am i to tell you no.

    But going off with new guy friends and alone? Nah. I don’t go meeting new women to hang out with. You ain’t meeting new guys. Inappropriate behavior for a couple imo

  27. Makes me think she is playing field to see what she can catch, so basically just early indications she is going to leave you for one of the guy friends.

  28. The same way I suspect my wife feels when I go for drinks with my girl friends.

    If we had trust issues with each other we wouldn’t be married.

    Besides that, if I had to be honest, I reckon if my wife was ever gonna cheat it won’t be with another dude anyway 😛

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