My (24f) fiance (21m) has had a long time addiction to overly frequent masturbation and porn watching. Due to this he has almost no sensitivity when it comes to our sex life and it’s impossible for me to get him off, he always ends up having to do it himself. We have effectively been working on solutions to stop the masturbation addiction issues, however, we’re unsure of any ways to bring back his sensitivity. It’s really beginning to affect his mental health in his frustration of not being able to feel much. Any advice on what we can do is greatly appreciated and we are cross posting in a few places for all advice possible.

  1. I actually had the same issue when I first married… time away from porn and masturbation will help reset it for him. It did for me, but it took a few weeks. I will say now I crave that time with my wife and it has switched for me. I’m telling you though it does take time away from masturbating and porn to get through it. Just my experience

    Honestly, I think this is 100% something you guys can work through 🙂

  2. Male chastity is an option. Lock his shit up. After two or three weeks of you teasing and edging him, he’ll bust in seconds.

    He needs time away from being able to masturbate and the things that he used to masturbate with.

    It’s crazy how pervasive this is these days.

  3. I don’t believe he has “No sensitivity” and surely not because of porn or masturbation. I think there’s something else going on, perhaps psychological or emotional (which could also contribute to whatever his porn use is). I would suggest he tell his MD, and then onto a psychologist to work this one out.

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