The last couple of months I felt as if some kind if bad energy is controlling my future, no matter how hard I try anything that happens to me ends up being bad I was in a relationship for 9 months and it was the happiest time evwr I thought I was gonna marry the person and then out of nowhere all of it disappears. Then after that I find another girl for 4 months and she leaves me aswell even tho she loves me and said she could never leave me. Now after all of that anyone I meet just seems to lose interest in me so quickly, everything I do or try ends up in the worst outcome. I felt like before all of this when I would actually put effort into something I would be surprised by how good it turns out. For example I was so scared of making friends, then I force myself to do it and end up spending the best time with them. Now when I try to do the same thing it ends badly for example they seem uninterested in talking to me they ghost me etc. Could there be smth that is making my future just be bad, like I know I am to blame aswell but it can’t be that every person all of a sudden hates me or something no one ever tells me why they lose interest even when I ask a thousand times

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