What are reasons people circumsize their sons?

  1. Cultural and religious pressure in the vast majority of cases.

    Medical resons in some cases.

    As someone from a country/religion that doesn’t practice it, it seems like an absolutely insane practice.

  2. Ask my dad, I am sure he isn’t sure either. I would like to know though. I only have one erogenous zone on my dick thanks to that surgery

  3. The reasons for circumcision can vary widely based on cultural, religious, and personal beliefs. Some parents choose circumcision for cultural or religious reasons, while others believe it has potential health benefits such as reduced risk of urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections, and penile cancer. It’s important for parents to fully research and consider all aspects before making this decision for their sons.

  4. As far as your question goes, another answer could be. “I want my son to be like me”. The father decides that his son shall have the same fete as him. Sometimes the mother doesn’t even get a choice and is coerced by the father.

  5. Lack of knowledge.

    Most male children are circumcised to not be different from there fathers.

    Or religious customs.

  6. My fiancée is pretty dead set on it for when we have kids, she’s Jamaican and apparently it’s a cultural thing. I’m circumcised too and have never had an issue with it though. Even though the health benefits are considered controversial there are a lot of interesting statistics about how being circumcised makes you less likely to catch STDs:


    Personally I slept around a lot and rarely used condoms and never caught a single one so anecdotally I might’ve benefited from it myself

  7. In the US the main reason is $$$.

    Everywhere else in the civilized world doctors think that the practice of routinely circumcising newborn boys is insane. If you have a kid anywhere in Western Europe they’d probably straight up refuse to do it if you asked. In the US though the medical establishment is at best neutral about it and a lot of doctors still push it. Why is that? It pays to perform procedures.

    Check out the summary of [this](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37343682/) paper:

    > Median reimbursement for newborn circumcision (CPT: 54150) was $484 for private and $78 for public plans

    Even stingy insurance plans pay almost $80 for a procedure that takes about five minutes of a doctor’s time. It’s an insane incentive system.

  8. Of all the ridiculous reasons for circumcision the one I understand the least is hygiene. The cleanliness of your penis is based entirely on whether you wash your dick or not..

  9. Some people say its cleaner, implying those uncircumsized are walking around with swamp dick all day.

    Some will say its due to religion, as if God is checking your dick at the gates before you are let in.

    Some will say so their kid will fit in with everyone else, as if comparing penis is how friend groups are formed.

    All excuses made up by people who have to justify male genital mutilation on their children.

    The only valid excuse is medical reasons as a child. Everything else is taking a scalpel to your childs genitals for your own twisted logic and should be seen as the child abuse it is.

  10. Mindless following of “tradition”, and general ignorance.

    And in a rare few cases. Medical reasons.

  11. Lets just be real. They don’t give a fuck. Only 1 gender has protected sexual organs world wide and it sure as fuck isnt us.

  12. Religion and hygiene (formerly) are the big ones. Honestly I think the issue gets more attention than it needs or deserves. Most circumcised people don’t care or are glad that it happened.

  13. Because it stays cleaner/is easier to clean. Not to mention it just makes sense, if you think about it there’s no real reason to have all that extra skin and honestly, yeah I know this might sound judgy but it just looks weird. There’s also religious and cultural stuff around it, but that’s not always the case.

  14. What’s your obsession with circumcision? God Commanded it and it’s from a natural inclination towards all that is good, pure, and holy.

  15. I hate that im circumcised, especially since they botched it. Fuckers. Shit needs to be outlawed with exceptions for the 0.01% of valid medical need.

  16. Hereditary idiocy. Doing things ‘just because that’s how they are’. Inability to think logically and research true and real reason for it.

  17. I have been told in the past circumcision was done originally for medical reasons. Sometimes it can create real problems down the line if it cant be retracted, and also hygiene.

    These days it’s purely tradition of the cultures despite gigantic leaps in hygiene, and the majority of the time there’s no medical reason too either.

    The other reason is vanity people like the looks of it more and are willing to mutilate the gentiles of their children for aesthetician purposes. Argue me all you want that’s what it is. It’s removing a body part without their consent

  18. Many, and NONE of them are valid.

    I was mutilated at birth in violation of my parents religion, and their belief in human rights. It was done because, also keep in mind no medical organizations recommend it and at the time of my birth the AAP flat out said don’t do it.

    My son is not mutilated

    The foreskin contains fine touch nerves (like in your fingers) and provides protection of the glans (head) keeping it soft and sponge like, all in an effort to ensure everything works properly. Only 1/16,667 intact males will have a problem with their foreskin. One hundred and seventeen babies die from circumcision a year in the US, which equates to 9/100,000 babies that die each year from a cosmetic surgery. Just a comparison of 16,667 women, 2,084 of them will get breast cancer. In the same number of men 17 will get breast cancer. Infant Circumcision literally kills 2 boys for every adult spared circumcision and ruins the lives of 667 for every adult. Men have lost their penis, glans, and suffered from deformity caused by the operation performed when they were infants. It isn’t right that these children pay the price for a decision that their parents made, a decision that should be left up to the owner of the penis. Even those who survive still have problems, though they are seldom discussed. It is for these reasons that the person who has to use the penis, should be the person who decides what happens to it. His body, his choice.

    “We conclude that non-therapeutic circumcision performed on otherwise healthy infants or children has little or no high-quality medical evidence to support its overall benefit. Moreover, it is associated with rare but avoidable harm and even occasional deaths. From the perspective of the individual boy, there is no medical justification for performing a circumcision prior to an age that he can assess the known risks and potential benefits, and choose to give or withhold informed consent himself.”


    Elephant in the Hospital

    urologist talks about circumcision

    Robert S. Van Howe, MD, MS, FAAP Professor and Interim Chair of Pediatrics Central Michigan University College of Medicine.


    https://www.dropbox.com/s/hkrxelm1tml9xs3/Refutiation%20of%20CDC.pdf?dl=0 (this one doesn’t need an account.)

    Learn how sex is supposed to work.

    Babies experience pain just like adults.

    How to properly care for a natural Penis.

    They didn’t tell you the functions of the foreskin, but they did lie to you and said it had health benefits. Did they also tell you it pays for their house, their cars, and their children’s college? It is illegal to sell an organ taken from a patient but they still do it.

    Foreskin for sale: $169/500µg = $338,000/g = $9,581,962/oz.


    Mutilated men feel less sexual pleasure.

    My numbers and claims are supported by these studies:

    Canadian study show no HIV benefit to MGM

    Dutch Medical society and their stance on RIC


    Surgeons of British Columbia


    Doctors around the world critique AAP’s circumcision opinion.


    This document outlines the deaths caused by circumcision in the US.

    All the statements made by medical organizations about circumcision, and they are cited.

    Functions of the Foreskin.

    Breast cancer kills more men than anything related to the foreskin.

    American Cancer society says Circumcision does nothing to affect cancer rates.

    Circumcised men have a 450% greater chance of ED

    All the common myths about circumcision and how they are dispelled.

    Boy wants to be a girl after botched circumcision. There are many cases like this however they usually occur in infants who cannot express themselves in words.

    Serious and Fatal Complications after Neonatal Circumcision

    No evidence to support MGC reduces HIV transmission.
    US Navy Study that shows circumcision has no effect on HIV or STI infection rates.

    Circumcision is PAINFUL!

    Men upset about being circumcised against their will.

    FGM victim speaks out against MGM

    Visual comparison of a Natural Penis versus a circumcised one. (Warning pictures of Genitals)

  19. For me it was a medical reason. Woke up one morning with my penis covered in blood, the foreskin was too tight. I was 3 maybe 4 years old. For me it was a traumatic experience, I was the last person of the day going in for the surgery, I remember screaming profanity at my parents while being held down on the gurney being gassed to knock me out. I couldn’t go to a dentist for years after as the light in my face seemingly brought it all back and I’d freak out.

  20. Unless for religious reasons it’s a fallout from an old practice in the 1950’s. Some women didn’t want to deal with cleaning the penis and there was an incorrect medical theory about it preventing cervical cancer in women. That was based on low frequency in Jewish women. Genetics were not understood back then.

    It’s a cruel practice and should be made illegal even for religious reasons.

  21. Culture and religion.

    I was circumcised and my dad was, his dad probably was and back farther for who knows how long. I almost had my son circumcised, so glad I didn’t. I really wish I wasn’t. It’s one of those big “what ifs” in the back of my mind. I feel pretty upset about it at times. I’m still trying to get over it.

  22. It’s basically “Do it because everyone else (in my country) does it.” THere is no good reason for it.

  23. I dunno, I know a guy who had to get his foreskin removed in his early 20s. It sounded less than ideal to do it at that age. I’m glad my parents just had it done for me when I was a baby. I don’t remember the procedure in the slightest.

    Otherwise, there are are hygiene reasons for it, there can be other  medical reasons for it, there are also cultural and religious reasons for it. Honestly, my procedure has not impacted my life in any significant way. I don’t feel mutilated, and if I had the choice I would have chosen to get it done myself.

    I recognize that other people feel differently about this topic, and i respect that. But this is just my personal thought on the matter.

  24. Well, I had my son circumcised mostly for health and hygiene reasons. Personally, I wasn’t circumcised when I was born and actually had a quite a few issues and complications growing up due to being uncircumcised. Ended up being circumcised when I was 16 which I can only say was the best thing ever done. It was a revelation to be honest. I see no issue with it and definitely better to get it done before you remember it. To me it is clearly simply better to be in every aspect. Including THAT way. I see no reason not to have it done and clearly it is beneficial especially when done at birth. Had I been done when I was born it would have had a profoundly positive effect on my life.
    Having experienced both sides, I strong believe in the health and hygiene benefits which are pretty intuitive I feel. Here’s a great article that articulates the benefits and the reasons for having it done:
    In addition of course there were cultural reasons as well. For one I am circumcised and we do live in the US where circumcision is standard. Although not THE reasons to have it done, they are relevant I feel. As a dad you only want to do what is best for your son which for me included having him circumcised.

  25. In the us it was mostly a marketing campaign so doctors could make more money.

    Similar to how toothpaste became a standard thing everyone used.

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