Do you ever feel like you’re overly analysing the state of your friendship with someone? Like on a day to day basis, and you’re comparing your friendship with one particular person with other peoples friendships with that person, etc. Not just that but questioning the strength of the friendship over time (e.g if its weakened) and how you should respond, when in reality that just seems weird to them?

1 comment
  1. I think it’s more a sign of too few connections. If this friend is one of many, then it’s easy to recognize that some are closer than others.

    Think of yourself as the sun in your personal solar system. Your friends are planets, but they have different orbits. Some are like earth and they might be your regulars. Some might be a BFF, that would be Mercury. Others are out there at more of a distance. You might see them less often, so they’re Saturn. Still others might be once a year or even longer. That’s Pluto!

    Not every friendship is the same, and it’s healthy to have friendships at different closeness levels.

    So if one isn’t feeling quite where you want it, you either work on that friendship, or you focus more on expanding your solar system with some new people.

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