Do you think cigarette smoking and non-smoking sections of restaurants, airplanes, etc for should still be a thing, even smoking in hospitals? Why, why not?

  1. No one smokes anymore.

    Although my mom did tell this morning that decades ago when she worked for the health department they were allowed to smoke inside.

  2. Haha no. Is that a serious question? Smoke doesn’t respect those sections. Why would I want to have stinking cigarette smoke to breathe and smell on myself anywhere, let alone a damn hospital?

  3. You don’t understand what that world was like. Every time you walked into a restaurant or bar, there was a toxic cloud of second hand smoke that met you at the door. Never mind sections. You couldn’t get away from it. Planes were awful if you didn’t smoke. Older smokers would just light up in your house and get mad if you asked them not to. You always smelled like smoke when you got home because it was everywhere. Hospitals had ashtrays in the lobby and in the rooms. Stores too. It is high time tobacco was permanently outlawed.

  4. Have you ever tried to eat your Mickey Mouse pancakes with smoke everywhere and an ashtray next to you? It sucked lol

  5. No. I’m glad to not come home smelling nasty, and I’m also glad to not have to wait longer at a restaurant because the only open tables are in the smoking section.

  6. I’d say that’s pretty unreasonable for most places. I’m worried about the health of staff too.

    Absolutely never for airplanes or hospitals though, major safety issues.

  7. we still have a fair bit of this in the form of smoking in outdoor seating at restaurants, bars, cafes. i don’t see any reason why it couldn’t be done if people wanted it, in today’s age ventilation technology is up to the task of actually separating the airspaces so that it doesn’t have to make a difference to the non-smokers anyway. i doubt there is much will for that outside of niche settings like nightlife, casinos, and cigar culture though.

  8. Back when smoking and nonsmoking sections were still a thing, you could never really get away from the smoke even in the nonsmoking section. It was disgusting. I’m so glad that went away.

  9. Smoking in a hospital would be a poor idea for more than just the unhealthiness of it. Lighters + O2= BOOOM.

  10. I remember having smoking sections everywhere, including planes, and have no desire to go back to that.

  11. Some restaurants still have smoking sections, and while I personally am not a fan, I do think there should be restaurants for those who enjoy the ambience of smoking. That being said I don’t think it should be the norm.

    As for airplanes and hospitals, no not at all. Airplanes are too confined and fire can be dangerous, and obviously hospitals have people in bad health. Other than a few smoking areas outside, hospitals should not allow smoking.

  12. No, it’s so uncommon nowadays. Nobody ever says they want to go back to that. Instead I’d prefer to see the same restrictions on vaping

  13. Hell no. Airplanes are sealed metal tubes with recirculating air. There’s no such thing as a “smoking section” or a “non-smoking section.” If one person smokes, the entire plane is filled with it.

  14. We should have all of those. Right along with the peeing section for public pools.

    Realistically though, I wouldn’t care too much if they no longer banned smoking in restaurants. I can’t imagine many would bring it back at this point and I have more than enough options near me to let myself just pick the non-smoking options. Would probably suck for more rural people that might not have many options

  15. Why on earth would we want to encourage the return of the death sticks that give people terrible teeth and bad breath and stain ceilings and infect people’s clothes with that terrible smell?

    The is no reason for it. They’re terrible and I’ll never stop being surprised that they’re still popular in Europe.

    There’s no way this is a serious question.

  16. Absolutely not.

    Second hand smoke is dangerous and besides that it stinks up everything in its vicinity.

    If someone is still smoking actual cigarettes, they can go somewhere where no people will be bothered by it. Same with the vapes that billow clouds of smoke that smell like cotton candy.

    You gotta have nicotine around others? Get a patch or lozenge. They work.

  17. Private institutions should be allowed to run off business if they want to. If a restaurant wants to have a smoking section they should be free to, just like I am free not to eat there

  18. Good lord, no. The “non-smoking” sections of restaurants were a joke. Smoke goes everywhere. I’ve never even tried a cigarette, and I’m happy that I can go out to dinner and not come home reeking of someone else’s smoke.

  19. No, because the cigarette fumes spreads right from the smoking to the non smoking section. Making everyone and everything smell of smoke and giving everyone the risks of secondhand smoking. Gross.

  20. American here. I remember when there were cigarette pack vending machines in restaurants, and smoking/nonsmoking sections.

    My daughter has asthma, and I am forever grateful that we essentially banned smoking in indoor public places. Even if she didn’t have asthma, I don’t want to breathe that shit.

  21. If there’s a market for it, sure have the option. Won’t be too much if one and most places absolutely will not have such a section either way. These days the tolerance for being around smokers is generally VERY low.

    Edit: I feel like this should be obvious but….not the hospitals or planes. I just meant if private, non critical businesses want to cater to that demo then…sure. whatever.

  22. No and we have strict second hand smoke laws and surprisingly strong cultural taboos against smoking down here in certain places.

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