What is it like to be with someone who truly loves and respects you? What’s it like to be with someone who takes care of themselves and celebrates you for taking care of yourself.

Someone who reciprocates your excitement to be with them instead of making fun of your for being giddy to see them. Someone who doesn’t slap your hands away when you express affection through physical touch. And who doesn’t shame you for enjoying sex….

I (F36) can’t believe this marriage has fallen so far and I’m starting to believe that when I will leave this marriage, I will spend the rest of my life single.

TL;DR I had a long hard look at my marriage and have finally accepted it isn’t healthy and it isn’t fulfilling. It is hard to be with someone who is miserable on their own and seems to find joy in bringing me down with him.

1 comment
  1. It is hard living like that.

    You know what isn’t hard? Living without the negativity and stress of that person.

    Do what you need to do. It’ll work out, and you’ll be grateful you did.

    You deserve someone who will fill you up and not drain you instead.

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