Bf(22M) just confessed that I(26F) never get wet for him..he then added all of the girls he had sex with ( before he met me of course ) always got super wet for him without lubricant…
And I don’t even know how to answer that the moment he said that to me.. i got offended and a bit mad at him for saying that. Mostly the part where he mentioned all of the girls he had sex with..but thats just me ig.

Little contexts, I lost my virginity with him.. And we sometimes use lube when we do have sex but i’ve never orgasm. He always finish first and sometimes i would just finish off by fingering myself. Not really the best way of making love together..

I know the important thing is to Communicate but idk how to respond to that statement he said when i don’t get wet enough for him. It hurted me ngl and i cried a bit but he said he hurt him too and say maybe i don’t even like him which confused me even more. Been with him for one year and half now…

  1. The thing is. Not every woman is the same and at the same time too wet can also be a disadvantage for some.

    Regarding his comment, that’s a dickmove and dicks shouldn’t move in their own. Tell him that this comment hurt and that you can’t simply open up a valve to increase your wetness. Next time he makes a comment then tell him that others ejaculate way more cum than he does and that he should open up his valve more…

  2. He should understand that not all women can have the same level of wetness and that some can have reduced wetness even when they are fully aroused. Every woman is different. He should really be focusing on how the sex is making you feel rather than concentrating on wetness and making comparisons to his exes. Not to be rude, but it’s an asshole habit to just cum and be done with and not make you finish. You should talk with him about this and if he doesn’t get sense then you should cut back on blowjobs and handjobs and rethink your relationship. Hasn’t he made you finish atleast once in all these one and half years?

  3. Every girl is different and then there can be hormonal reasons why girls night not get wet enough at given times. There is also the possibility that you’re not getting adequate foreplay before penetration. The way that he put it to you is almost like it’s your fault, or that it’s all about being attracted to him. Both of those assumptions are naive.

  4. Some people just don’t get that wet no matter how turned on they are. Your boyfriend shouldn’t be shaming you for that – what does he expect you to do about it? You can’t just magically make yourself get wetter, it’s either the way your body is or he isn’t turning you on.

    Regardless of wetness though it doesn’t bode well that he isn’t making you orgasm and he sounds like a selfish lover which is a bigger issue. I’d suggest that rather than being upset about his comments you use them as an opportunity to talk to him about how sex is a 2 way street and how he can help you finish as well.

  5. He may need to step up his foreplay game, spend more time on you. Some women need longer foreplay to get things flowing. Your new to sex he is expecting you to be like other more experienced women he has had, slow it down and if you not getting wet is a deal breaker I would move on he seems impatient. You need someone that take their time and puts focus on you…

  6. Tell him it’s his fault lol. I had a dude tell me that and it was so humiliating but it took me dating my current bf to realize I wasn’t the problem 😁 Sexual attraction is important

  7. It sounds like he may be feeling anxious about his own performance and is projecting it on to you.

  8. Even though we (girls) have the same organs, we are still individual. Not all girls get very wet; some can be dry even when excited. Perhaps you are not excited enough, perhaps you need longer caresses: petting, oral sex (cunnilingus). Also, if he doesn’t try to make you orgasm, then that’s selfish on his part. You can try to get to know your body on your own (masturbation with toys), find out what really turns you on and use it. And of course, say that he is selfish

  9. Every woman is different. I get wet mostly from oral , what is that like for you ? Some women need a lot of foreplay to get wet, could it be that ? You’ve every right to be upset , being compared to other women is cruel

  10. Nothing wrong with using lube. And he’s clearly not being fair in ur sex life. He’s being a dick, insecure and selfish

  11. He sounds sexually immature and like he doesn’t know much about sexual health. EVERYONE is different. Every girl will have a different level of wetness, or different requirements for what actually turns them on, or even differing wetness from one day to another.

    There’s lots of factors as to why you may not get as wet as “other girls.” Diet, hormones, hydration, genetics. It may have nothing to do with anything you’re doing, it could just be how your body is.

    I’m personally on medication that dehydrates me, no matter how much I do my best to stay hydrated, I still don’t get that easy wetness like I used to. I almost always use lube.

    Please don’t take what he said to heart- there’s nothing wrong with you! Let him know that other girls’ bodies are irrelevant to yours and everyone’s body is different. And let him know that any more comparison comments like that are shitty and uncalled for.

    And lastly, please never feel shame about using lube! It’s so normal! Lube even makes sex better for people who don’t “need” it. It’s an enhancer and should be a staple in every bedroom. Use all the lube you need to or want to 🙂

    If he ever shames you for things like this, he’s being a shitty partner.

  12. comparing you with other girls is extremely wrong and somewhat offensive. every girl is different and boys should understand once for all that arousal doesn’t match with the amount of wetness.
    i’m on bc and i almost never get wet and my bf knows about it, we simply use lube and he never dared to bring up how other girls worked.

  13. I guess he needs to excite you more. Find a more compassionate lover concerned with your pleasure first. He needs to lick your pussy more.

  14. women cannot control how wet they get regardless of how turned on you are, there’s no on and off switch lol but comparing you to his past partners blows, i’d be pissed off.

  15. I was going to recommend lube, but it seems the issue is that he’s just shitty in bed. I was with someone like that when I was younger, had the exact same issue. Then when I got with someone who cared about my pleasure, the issue mostly resolved itself. It’s almost like being treated like a fleshlight is a turn off for most women, go figure.

  16. Tell him maybe he needs to try harder to get you wet.

    That’s what my wife would say if I told her she isn’t wet enough. Which I have, because sometimes, especially morning sex, she will be a bit dry. And she will straight up tell me, to not just stick it in and actually make her horny.

    If I wasnt hard, which very rarely happens because I’m like a 16 year old stuck on a 40 year old body, she would touch me, jerk it, if it is a blue moon go down on me, etc.

    My point is, a lot of guys, especially young guys, don’t even think about if their woman is enjoying sex. Take it from me, before I met my wife at 26, I have no idea if my ex girlsfriends ever came or enjoyed sex at all. I just stuck it in and did it till I came and ever even thought about them.

    When I met my wife, from our first time she made it clear that she finished first. Granted every single time isn’t a huge orgasm but I guess it’s a small one? I never understood that because guys either do or don’t but that’s another story. She tells me if she isn’t and I just finish. The key is communication

  17. He seems like a jerk. Every woman is different, it’s perfectly reasonable for some to get more wet than others, or quickly than others. He doesn’t know how to make YOU wet and he doesn’t want to take responsibility for this.

    Also, comparing yourself to others is obviously gonna get you hurt. If he doesn’t know this he is not as experienced as he claims to be. Or he doesn’t seem to care about your emotional aspect and surprise, that’s a huge deal when you want to have a sexual relationship with a woman.

  18. As others have said everyone is different.

    If you are on the pill that can make you less wet.

    Either way it’s not a big deal, just get some lube if you aren’t wet enough to have sex.

    Oh and have a think about telling your BF his communication stye stinks and how would he like it if you said everyone one else you had sex with had a bigger dick and asked why his hasn’t grown as big as theirs.

  19. Lube wouldn’t exist if this wasn’t a common “issue”… lube is just fine as long as you are enjoying the sex. I’m very much attracted to my bf but we use lube pretty much every time because then it guarantees slip and slide. Even if I’m wet enough to start sex, we will end up putting lube on during because it doesn’t always stay super wet. Lube is a wonderful thing. The fact you don’t seem to be enjoying the sex with him is not so wonderful. Needing lube isn’t the root issue here

  20. pee on him and say you’re wet.. jk kinda but he seems he is a real sweetheart and deserves that

  21. Say “skill issue” (I’m sorry I have no advice but I hope you can properly resolve your conflict and have a nice day)

  22. Im rude. I would’ve told him, “oh I don’t? Then maybe you need to put more time into foreplay and make it happen. Also, you’ve never given me an orgasm so how about you fix that and then maybe I’ll get more wet”.

    But again, I’m an asshole.

    “Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent”.

    Don’t let him put you or your body down. Some women don’t get that wet. And that’s ok. What’s not ok is him telling you about other girls.

  23. yeah that’s not how girls work. we also need to be turned on, eg with foreplay. getting wet is nothing you can turn on like a switch or something. plus, every girl works different. he needs education, if he really get ‘hurt by it’ wtf, that is so messed up to begin with. and yeah, comparing vaginas of other girls is an a-hole move.

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