I’m a 15-year-old male and asked out a girl I’ve known for a year who I thought we had a connection with. I got rejected the next day, and she pulled the “let’s just be friends” stuff, and her response also sounded very AI. My confidence is basically completely gone, not to mention I can’t eat a lot and I’m starting to get behind on my studies. I have no more interest in pursuing the relationship, but I even have to sit next to her tomorrow in economics class for an hour, and I feel like if I don’t recover the friendship, my next three years of high school will be very awkward. Additionally, many people in school know about this incident, and I suspect it will quickly spread to the point that I will be hiding almost every break time. How should I face tomorrow?

  1. Man I feel bad for you, one of my “friends” asked me if I liked them back because they supposedly had feelings for me and then a few hours later he says that he’s not gay, idk what to do about that, he said to me that his girlfriend broke up with him then he winked at someone else to get them to play along, but I still have feelings for him, but I don’t know how to tell him even in private, I’ve got NO idea what to do at all. What should I do

    P.I’m gonna try and talk to him in private depending on my confidence because my confidence is shattered rn

  2. I’ve already tried that, but the counselor said that it “Sounds like he means what he said when he said that he had feelings for you”.

  3. Well, as it is? How about that? You are a smart young man that was brave enough to approach a girl you liked. I can tell you there is a whole lot of grown men out there that would not have the guts to do that. You did.

    She didn´t share the same feelings for you. That´s a shame but really no big deal. It´s dating.. it´s no competition. It has nothing to do with you being not as good as others or not good enough for her or whatever – in fact it has nothing to do with you at all. It´s her and her preferences that simply do not line up with yours. That happens. It´s unfortunate but it happens. It´s not measuring you in any way shape or form. And it´s helpful because now you know she´s not the one. So she won´t distract you from persuing a girl that is for you once it crosses your path.

    So now you might need a few days to shake this whole thing off for yourself, get out of that headspace and so on but that has nothing to do with other people at your school. It´s none of their business. And if they don´t understand how you did something brave and took the risk… That´s grown men shit you did there.

  4. Oh to be a teenager again… Being a 15 year old male and actually asking a girl out, you already outdid your peers! You tried but it didn’t go as you planned, it happens. Learn to accept that not everything can go the way you want them to go at this age and with the confidence you have, you will have a rock solid personality by the time you are in your twenties.

    I’m not going to invalidate your pain, being let down sucks.. Learn from it and be the best version of yourself!

  5. Just face the music so to speak. I know you think it’s the end of the world because you’re young and that’s most teenagers mentality. It’s honestly not a big deal. Shake it off. At least you had the balls to ask her out. Most people don’t. Put your head up high, don’t be embarrassed and hide. Just own it.

    Go to that economics class, don’t be awkward, and talk to her like you usually do. If someone makes fun of you, or teases you, just ignore it, and say well at least I gave it a shot. And you’re fine being friends. No need for your confidence to be shattered. This will not be the first time it happens. There are plenty of other girls out there.

    It’s a good thing anyway really. If you dated her then it went bad and you broke things off. That would be ten times worse. I’d think about dating someone outside of school. Just my thought. Good luck!

  6. Mate, just move on. If she wants to be just friends, her loss. You still got options. And you got a few years of highschool left, no need to make a big fuss over it.

    No need for revenge, to prove her wrong or all that shit. Just focus on yourself and find someone else to go out with, in time.

    As for rumors? These are more troublesome. You gotta show you don’t mind them. Highschool students are like sharks smelling blood in the water, if they see you bleeding you’re getting it worse.

    So just play it cool, show you don’t care, wear it like an armour so it won’t be used against you. If you’re gonna hide in break time, you’ll just end up bullied instead. Show them you dont care, and they’ll stop the rumors in at most 2 weeks.

  7. Shooters shoot bro. At least you actually took the shot. A lot of people your age wouldn’t have asked. Find new girls and start trying to make more connections. As for her, either be brief with her in class and you’ll see how much she really likes you. She’ll either do the same or she’ll start the conversation with you.

    Dude, people are judgmental on the ones who take chances. Once you fine the one, they’ll be judging you on your success. Don’t let this setback hinder you in the future.

  8. all those people clowning you are too afraid to approach a girl themselves, remember that.

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