What are some conspiracy theories that you believe are true ?

  1. Not one specifically but I do believe that the US government has thought of and will potentially commit atrocities against its own people for certain reasons. Not sure what those reasons are, I would assume financially though. If you look throughout history, it has happened before. Operation Northwoods.

  2. JFK was taken out by the government.

    The Royal family were more involved with Princess Diana’s death.

    There is a child trafficking sex ring among the worlds elite. I mean THE ELITE.

  3. The FBI killed Dr. King Jr

    I sleep ONE night and now this is my best grossing comment ever

  4. That the government knows exactly where/what happened to MH370

    Edit: all of your responses probably make sense but I’m sorry, I’m gonna be the head in the sand guy. Something just bugs me about it. I just kind of think there is a graveyard fuselage somewhere on the bottom of the ocean and some government entity knows exactly where it is and it’s not being found on purpose.

  5. I don’t believe a lot of the silly theories surrounding the JFK assassination but the one that has a certain amount of plausibility over the others is: Everything went down just as the Warren Commission said it did, but JFK was accidentally shot in the head by a Secret Service agent following in the car behind him. The theory holds that the agent, in responding to the shots, was bringing his early version of an AR-15 to bear, when he accidentally touched off a round and it went through the president’s head. It would not do for propaganda reasons for the leader of the free world in the middle of a cold war, to be killed by his own security detail. Plus the SS would want to avoid the public embarrassment. I.e. One of their own killed the president. This is also why Oswald said he was framed and that he’s a Patsy. He knew he did not fire that last round. There are also pictures of an agent holding an AR-15. This is also the reason why JFK’s brain is missing. If it could be examined, it would show 5.56mm bullet fragments.

    Again, don’t know if it’s true or not but I think it’s the one that holds most plausibility. Of all the theories involving, the mob, Castro, the USSR; the simple idea of the president’s own security detail accidentally kills him during an assignation attempt and the Secret Service and CIA wanted to keep that confidential, makes a lot of sense. The national and international embarrassment would’ve been immense. A propaganda coup for the Soviets and Castro.

  6. There is a elite of People that earn way more money we could ever imagine and they are extremely interested that nothing changes. They would do anything to keep at there place and after a Border of wealth even Countries are Meaningless.

  7. I believe that there’s a worldwide community of paedophile couples who’ve had children together purely for the purpose of abusing them and making money off of content shared with fellow members. It may be several smaller groups rather than one big one, but I feel that it’s definitely a thing, and has been under the radar because nobody ever really suspects a couple of doing that to their own kids.

  8. Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself

    Tik Tok is Chinese spyware

    There’s much more to the first covid outbreak than we think(not gonna get to into it, I know how that goes)

  9. Michael Schumacher is clinically dead and the family are keeping his life support going to think he is still in a coma but actually he has no chance in coming back to life.

  10. The max speed on lime scooters was lowered so people would take longer to get to their destinations and end up spending more money.

  11. Here’s one I made up: the NFL is arranging Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift ‘s relationship to gain (specifically female) viewers.

  12. This one is controversial, but I believe that during 9/11, the aeroplane that was bound for Washington was not taken down by the passengers but shot down by the air force. It was covered up to soften the blow to the public of americans killing americans, if if they were already dead.

  13. Mafia and MIC were involved In Kennedy’s death.

    Some of those same mafia last names today do similar things in the Middle East for the CiA

  14. A secret service conspiracy killed off BlackBerry.

    BlackBerry’s BBM instant messaging was not hackable by secret services. It became the messaging service of choice for all the “Arab Spring” and related revolutionary movements around the world in 2011 and 2012. It was also used in the West by demonstrators to coordinate themselves for protests against G7 meetings and such.

    WikiLeaks showed that western countries’ secret services were exchanging messages related to their not being able to crack BBM’s security and how frustrating it was.

    Finally, there’s the Canadian Supreme Court siding with BlackBerry in their court case against Qatari, British and American authorities who were trying to access encrypted BBM data to prove that certain individuals had organized protests against the interests of their respective governments.

    It was then suspicious how suddenly in 2013 there seemed to be coordinated media efforts around the world trying to ridicule anything BlackBerry did.

    Stock price then basically just tanked and the company went into a tailspin.

  15. The one I made up, but I truly think it’s real.

    Some Reeses products are subcontracted out to subpar chocolatiers, like Palmer, to cut costs.

    Basically any of them with foil. Yes, including the Reeses Miniatures that everyone loves in their stocking at Christmas. The foil Easter bunnies, and the XL bar that’s like 2 bucks. The peanut butter tastes so different. More oily or something.

  16. The “Wuhan Lab Leak Theory” for the coronavirus.

    I believe it was an honest mistake from the researchers, but the proud ego of the Chinese government means they will NEVER want to admit anything that can make them look incompetent. This is why they’ve refused to cooperate with any international investigation on what happened there, and it was Taiwan who ratted them out to the WHO in the first place.

  17. There’s way more curable cancers but it’s too profitable. I think pharma is the problem with American healthcare. My meds take $.22 to make but are priced at 200? Hospitals have to pay that. So they have to ramp up the prices. And big pharma finances the politicians. Politicians do not make enough $ to own multiple mansions and yachts

  18. Milk doesn’t help build strong bones and it was a giant marketing campaign to sell and normalize milk consumption.

  19. No one talks about the Bobby Kennedy assassination. He was planning to leave the building through a different exit, then his bodyguards led him down through a service entrance where the assassin was waiting…

    And Bobby was with Marilyn Monroe the night she died, then left, and the Secret Service agents scrubbed her house of evidence.

  20. “Low fat” diets were created by the big sugar/soda companies because people needed an answer to why everyone was gaining weight. Turns out it’s the sugar. Even worse is that they can market products as being low fat and offset the taste by adding more sugar.

  21. Not many. I have a rule about them: the more people who would have to keep the secret, the less likely it is to be true, and most of them require entirely too many people to have known and said nothing.

  22. I read one time that there is no global group controlling the world and everybody is just out here winging it and doing whatever will make them the most power and money. Honestly slightly more scary that we’re all just taking guesses

  23. I believe the UFO sighting & abduction stories in Brazil and other parts of South America were actually done by the CIA in order to test new warfare strategies such as fear.

  24. Not entirely a conspiracy theory but the start relationship between the CIA, NSA, and Pentagon post-WWII is pretty concerning.

  25. That the government doesn’t give a shit about its citizens and just want complete control over them.

  26. There is nothing fair nor free about “the free market”.

    Most huge corporations regularly collude with their “competition” to keep prices as high as possible.

    Covid made this painfully apparent. Soon as one company started charging more for something, and idiots paid it, then suddenly all the other companies that make alternatives start raising their prices too after seeing how much money people are willing to pay without protesting.

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