I’m a 22-year-old guy, and I’ve been dating my girlfriend (20) for about 3 months. I’d just come out of a 2-year relationship with a 4-5 month gap between the two. My bad move was getting into the new relationship without being over the first one, and this girl takes things more seriously than I do.

Now, my ex wants to get back together, and honestly, I’m considering it. I know I might seem like a jerk, and I don’t want to hurt my current girlfriend. But, I also need to think about my own happiness. I want her to see that she’d be better off without me, and it’s all my fault.

How can I break up with her while minimizing the damage?

TL;DR: I’m a 22-year-old guy in a 3-month relationship after a 2-year one. I jumped in too soon, my current girlfriend is serious, and now my ex wants back. Considering it, but want to minimize hurting my current girlfriend while prioritizing my own happiness. How can I break up with her gently?

  1. Question… who broke up with who, you or your ex? Maybe take some time before jumping back into the frying pan?

    You really haven’t been with the new GF for that long, but this will still sting. The fact that you say she takes things more seriously than you do seems like you’re not a great match.

    Tell her you don’t think this relationship is working out, your personality differences mean you’re not in sync, and you don’t want to waste any more of her time.

    She has to have some clue that you feel this way?

  2. I’m a female (19) w another female (19) and I’m in the same situation . I was w my ex for 5 years, she left , I got into a relationship a month later and have been w this girl for 1.5 years and I like her , I love her , but she’s not my ex … like idk I feel shitty saying it but now my ex is coming around and I feel like she’s my soulmate , twinflame , everything so me personally , I’m trying to let my current girl down easy and go back to where I came from

  3. Honestly man, neither…

    Be single for a month or 5, recover. There is a good reason you broke up, and if the new one cares enough, 5 months won’t matter that much.

  4. Truthfully, has the reason for the breakup been resolved? Are you both different people in different circumstances, meaning that problem will never arise again? Is it really getting back together to be healthy or for a piece that goes in the space but doesn’t fit?

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