Quick question here for the guys. So in the 8 years I have been with my man, We only ever have had sex once in one day. He tells me after every time that he needs to “recharge” and won’t be able to until the following day. We are both 22 years old. Me personally, after I orgasm I am good to go again within only a couple of hours. Just wondering if there’s anyone else who experiences this and if there’s anything we can do so that he is able to get aroused and perform more than once a day? 🥰

  1. Following orgasm, men experience a refractory period, which is the recovery phase during which it is physically impossible for a man to have additional orgasms. During this time, the penis may be sensitive and further sexual stimulation may actually be painful, which is why men shouldn’t keep trying to have penetrative sex after orgasm, as they could cause themselves injury.

    This refractory period lasts from a few minutes in some men to even weeks for some.

    What you describe about once a day is pretty much common.

  2. It does take me about 8 hours to be ready again it takes her about 10 to 15 minutes. We practiced edging on me for that reason to delay my orgasm. Often times I just won’t cum, but, I will make sure she orgasms, then shortly after when she wants to go for a second round, I am ready also.

  3. The refractory period in most men is longer than in women. But some men can perform for two or three or more rounds with a short amount of break in between each. Some don’t even lose erection after cumming the first time. But it also has an arousal component to it, some just feel satisfied after they orgasm and ejaculate once that the mood is lost. Since the mental component is very much important in sex, even after their refractory period they are not really in the mood for another session. Try to have an open talk about this with him and maybe teasing him throughout the day could work.

  4. Normally I had sex 3 times in night and 1 more time in the morning

    Normally a man can do sex 3-4 times in a day if he is with his fav girl or have some attraction. If he can do only 1 time then I bet he has no emotions and attraction with you or he didn’t like to much. Whenever you got chance try with other boy or men then realise how a normally men can do 3-4 times in day some are do 5-6 times in day

  5. Not unusual some people are just satisfied with it once a day or a few times a week. I have done it twice in a day before but honestly it’s just about it being when you both want to do it. Maybe in this case however unusual you have a higher sex drive than your man, I say either let him just please you or enjoy a solo session

  6. At 19, I could have intercourse again after a 5 or 10 minute break. In my early twenties, 3 times a day was no problem if my partner was willing. I think that’s normal for most guys, we are horny as can be at those ages.

  7. Every body is different. I’m in my forties and I want my gf at least twice a day if not more. If you think you want to be with him long term, make sure he’s clear on your needs and make sure he is invested in meeting them.

  8. Many men can go more than once a day…..I’ve been with a man that went 5 times in 6 hours….he was 40 years old….

  9. At 22 years old, he should be able to go more than one round a day. “Recharge” period doesn’t last that long

  10. So be fucking your bf since he’s 14?! Then it’s not normal that he can only do one time in a day, when I was at that age and my gf would let me, I would cum 3-5 times just in the night…
    Sounds weird for a young man, if you’re 25 and it’s like that that’s fine but I would be kind of curious why the fuck a 16 yo guy wants not to fuck all day and cum like every two hours 😂😂

  11. Me and my girl both can have sex 4-5 times a day easily, but everybody’s bodies are different

    Edit: I’m 22 she 21

  12. My guy says he could do more than once in his early twenties. He wasn’t active with partners though until 24. So that may be different? He never described himself as a marathoner though. We met when he was 27 and have only gone more than once in a session one single time, and we’ve been together 20 years. We don’t hide masturbation either, as we’re both comfortable with needs being taken care of when they need to be. So I know he’s not having regular solo sessions.

    Just as there’s a lot of variation in women’s drives and sensitivities, it’s the same with men. Right now your drives don’t line up and that’s alright, given that everything else in the relationship is healthy. You just might need a little extra “you time”.

    His stamina will likely improve with age. Y’all can practice edging and he’ll get better at backing himself from the O ledge and be able to go longer with that skill over time.

  13. So just read increasing cardiovascular health may have a positive effect on refractory period.
    Guess it’s time to run.

    Which honestly makes sense. I used to be able to run 7 minute miles and my stamina was pretty great and then after a 5 year relationship where that woman didn’t want me to go to the gym and I allowed myself to just fall to the wayside…eesh
    Ok cardio…

  14. Definitely talk to him about it. A lack of communication leads to soo much confusion.
    If you need more sex let him know. It might take him a minute, but he’ll probably try.

  15. We may not be able to ejaculate, or even reach orgasm, again for quite a few hours, typically, but we can have sex more than once in a 24 hour period, yes. I’ve had sex a couple times in one day on multiple occasions and even been fortunate enough to cum twice in one session, but that only happened once ever

  16. Most of them, yes. But since libido is individual, there is no correct answer to that. I’d guess 3-4x a day is possible with higher libido but it depends. It is definitely possible physically, mentally is another thing. 2x a day is a good amount imo.

  17. When I was 14, 8 or 10 was normal, with a girl, although her hoohaw would get sore. So oral and hands after 3. Now, many years later, 2 or 3 is normal. Depends on many factors. Age, alcohol, how excited I am, if she is new partner or a long term sex partner. If she knows how to have sex, and knows what I like, maybe 5x in a full day. Takes about 2 hours between now. Back when, I could orgasm 5 mins after last one, maybe 15. I used to fuck all day, now, takes me all day to fuck. There is a quality over quantity thing for me.

  18. Thank you everyone for your comments.
    I’m going to step up my game tonight and try something different to keep him on me 😛
    Time to pull out that sexy lingerie 🤣

  19. Two times a day is no problem. 5-6 is maximum after that there’s no boner and no cum left.

  20. I’ve never heard of once a day for guys but that’s just me. Girls can go much more but guys have a refractory rate and girls are different as well.

  21. Every man is different. But in my 20s I could go n go n go,personal record was 8 or 9 times. But now that I’m older it’s 2 or 3 times,& definitely need a recharge,typically 15 to 30 minutes.

  22. It varies from man to man. I can go again like 10 minutes after the first time and I always thought that was normal and everyone could, until my fiancé told me that that is decidedly not true for many men.

  23. I’ve done 90 mins straight a few times but I need to be feral level horny to make it happen. Wind him up, tell him how you want to go as many rounds as possible

  24. When I was 35, going through a break up, I had it with the squeeze of the time, was off work, so got back to a childless house, and took that opportunity to get some wild break up sex (extremely freaky indeed). Then popped around an old female friend, we got bladdered, and I then went to town in her ass. Condoms for all, people. Slept in till 2 the next day, had a bacon butty, then proceeded to have a bit of slow time with her. Eventually got back with ex. But still smile on the 18 hours of 3 different people

  25. Me and my wife occasionally will have sex twice in a day. We’ve had sex 3 times and she gave me a bj once in the last 6 days. Sex 2-3 times a week is more the norm for us.

  26. It depends on the man. My FWB is 57 and he can typically cum at least 3-4 times within a 2 hour period or so (most of the time with small breaks in between cumming but there is times he can cum back to back.. to back. Especially if I’m on top.)

    Then we have times when we lost count of how many times he cums. We had sex for about 3 hours last nite and we guessed that he came about 8 times. It was just one of those super hot sessions where we didn’t want to stop fucking.

    *Typically* the majority of men have a long refractory period and can only cum once and then they’re done for a while. I’ve read a good amount of men say they can cum twice in a short amount of time also.

  27. He should be able to go more than once at 22. Talk to him about what he likes and doesnt like when having sex with you. Try to make it more fun for him so he is more interested in round 2.

  28. Every guy has a different refractory period (how long they need inbetween), and it can vary from a couple minutes to multiple days. I would guess that the average guy can go for multiple rounds in a day, but needing a day inbetween is by no means weird or unusual.

  29. Per day? Sure, why not. Most men don’t need more than about and hour or two and some of us lucky ones only need 15-30 minutes.

  30. Have sex? All day, every day. Orgasm? 3-4 times in a day maybe. 7 is the record. Over a long period of time 1-2 per day would probably be the best I could sustain.

  31. Refractory period. It’s a thing. Me personally, I can go a few times a day for a week. Then I’m tapped out for a few days maybe once a day. It just depends on the guy

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