how do you deal with feelings of jealousy and distrust?

  1. Mostly by honoring my feelings of distrust. If I don’t trust someone, I don’t let them get close enough to hurt me. That seems to cut out jealousy for the most part.

  2. Separate what’s happening in reality from what’s happening in your head. It’s really easy to conjure up some wild imaginative thing, but it’s really unfair and destructive to do that too. You have to look at the objective facts and not worry about it.

  3. I don’t deal with those feelings like everybody else might. It’s like when you stub your shin on a tow hitch and you just day “oohhh” and continue walking.

  4. If they want to they will. Goes for cheating and goes for staying loyal. It’s completely out of your hands so what I suggest is giving your 125% to your partner and if it’s ever not enough and you get hurt Atleast you can say honestly that you gave it your best and it wasn’t enough.

    Saves you from the dreaded “shoulda, coulda, wouldas.”

  5. If you love her, let her go. Seriously. Jealousy is poison to a relationship. If you try to control her, you don’t really love her. If you let the jealousy fester, your relationship will be over anyway. So end it, and tell her why. Tell her you’re jealous of all the other people that will be spending time with her and you don’t want it to screw up the relationship. So you’re ending it before it can become bad and end poorly. It’ll hurt for both of you, but there will be significantly less drama and you’ll prove yourself more of an adult for it.

    And who knows, maybe when she’s done with college, you can pick it back up, but only if you leave it off on a good note.

  6. By never being jealous and just trust people.

    Envy on the other hand, thats one of my imaginary demon friends.

  7. For my entire life when I was single, I made an agreement with myself that I would never put myself in a position to experience those things. If I did, it meant ending the relationship because either she wasn’t ready for a commitment or (more likely) I wasn’t. It took time to grow, mature, and distinguish between authentic (few) and false (many) reasons for having those feelings.

  8. You don’t, want my advice? Trust 100 and forget about it. Why? If you don’t give trust then they are going to brake the relationship, if you find then doing something and is not what it seems then you fight and risk the relationship and if you find them cheating then it means that they didnt love/respect you to care about your feeling.

  9. By having a true belief in yourself and your value. You can’t and shouldn’t want to control anyone. But knowing that YOU are valuable and worthy will help

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