I recently got a pet rabbit and whenever I speak to Americans about it when they ask if I have a pet, they immediately start talking about how they had rabbit stew and how bunnies taste delicious. I would find it odd to bring this up about someone’s pet but even reading online, it seems like a lot of Americans consider rabbits to be food than pets but I could be wrong.

People can say this applies internationally but there are countries out there that consider what Americans consider as pets to be food but I won’t get into that.

  1. Both. I have had rabbits as pets but will not turn down a plate of fried rabbit or rabbit stew.

  2. Both.

    People also have pet chickens.

    > People can say this applies internationally but there are countries out there that consider what Americans consider as pets to be food but I won’t get into that.

    Yes, I’m aware that other people eat dog and cat.

  3. Closer to pets than food on the sliding scale than chickens are, but closer to food than pets than dogs are.

    If that makes sense.

  4. Rabbits can be food but it’s really rude and weird for you to say you have one as a pet and for people to reply “how tasty!”

  5. I think it depends on where. I don’t know if it’s regional, or a city/country thing, but I can’t imagine eating rabbit. I know it happens, but I’ve never seen it, or seen a restaurant serve it.

  6. Both, but more often they are pets.

    I’ve eaten wild rabbit that was hunted by a family member a few times, and I’ve eaten rabbit in a restaurant here and abroad, but I’ve never cooked it myself.

  7. Neither. I have known people who have pet rabbits, but only one or two. No one I know has ever mentioned eating rabbit, but having said that, apparently my family used to eat rabbits when we lived on the reservation, but as we left when I was young I have no memory of it.

    For me rabbits are just little creatures that live in nearby woods that I see scurrying around sometimes…

  8. Depends if I’m petting one or eating one.

    Talking about eating one when someone brings up their pet is super weird though. I think the Americans you know are either immature or just can’t read a room.

  9. Culturally either. It’s pretty in the middle and depends on the specific animal. Pigs are also uncommonly kept as pet here, but are very much seen as food

  10. I’ve never had rabbit, but I’ve met several pet rabbits, so I guess I don’t consider them food by default.

    That said, it’s quite rude to say someone’s pet would taste good.

  11. Both. I would never talk about how they are food with my friends who have pet rabbits, unless one specifically asked (like you have here.)

    Also, they aren’t a common food here, it’s not like you can get rabbit meat at the grocery store. The only people I know who have eaten it are from families that hunt. Personally, I recall it tasting like really gamey chicken. I really dislike gamey meat, so I would probably never choose to have it again.

    I did have a rabbit fur coat when I was little. Warmest damn coat I have ever had.

  12. Both! I’m personally more on the pet side of things, but I have enjoyed eating rabbit on occasion.

    Some people are total edgelords though and will say the exact same thing about people’s pet ducks/chickens/pigs/rabbits/etc. in some sort of weird superiority complex.

  13. Both. If you have a rabbit, I’ll happily pet it and coo over it but if I see rabbit on a menu, I’ll happily order it.

  14. Depends on which part of the us you are in. As for me I can consider the floppy eared ones pets the wild rabbits with the pointy ears food.

  15. Neither really. They are wild critters that live all over the place.

    I’ve eaten rabbit before but don’t really think of them as food.

  16. They are definitely both. If I’m talking about rabbit I’m talking about food 100% of the time.

  17. >Americans about it when they ask if I have a pet, they immediately start talking about how they had rabbit stew and how bunnies taste delicious

    Naw this is weird…. it’s bizarre that when you mentioning you have a pet rabbit they immediately jump to talking about eating rabbits.

    Regardless of who does this it’s just bad manners.

  18. I never had rabbit meat. Even if I did, you don’t talk about *eating someone’s pets*. Wtf.

  19. Rabbits are the one animal that are simultaneously seen as pests, livestock, and pets. There is plenty of humor around changing what rabbits are viewed as.

    Still, they’re more viewed as pets than livestock.

  20. These are the same people who tell me “I’ll eat two cows for you,” when I say I’m vegan. They’re just being obnoxious and trying to make you uncomfortable. Yes, some people do eat rabbits in America but it is not a common thing as say cows and chicken are. Most people keep them as pets.

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