So you guys might have seen some of my posts about a halloween party last week, I was invited to one by a girl I’m becoming good friends with (funny because a few weeks prior I was bawling because I didn’t get invited to one party) and on halloween night j went, it was so much fun, we got a lot of pictures together and I talked to a lot of people I’ve been wanting to talk to, resulting in some better relationships and making it easier to talk to certain people. Since then, however, I have really missed it and been sad that it’s over, fearing I wouldn’t be invited to another. Until Tuesday I cried every day about it, fearing I wouldn’t be invited to another because the circumstance of me getting invited seemed like it was because I never go to parties (it was my first one). I even came up with a plan (with my therapist) to genuinely thank the girl for inviting me and saying “get me into the next one too”, Monday Tuesday Wednesday I felt anxious in that class, Thursday was great but I didn’t get the chance, and yesterday I finally said thanks RIGHT before she left, and before I asked to be invited again she literally said “when the next one happens you’ll get an invitation”.

I won.

1 comment
  1. Nice! High fiving you over the internet connection. That feels awesome, even to ME, since I was following your story.

    Since you seem to be on such a good path I want to make sure you keep making a great impression on these new people you’re meeting.

    Not sure if I mentioned this earlier, but here’s an article I wrote to get you started:

    ###[Do You Have Good Friendship Traits?](

    Thanks for sharing. I *love* hearing about the victories!

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