This has probably been asked a lot already but im having some trouble.

I start to gag as soon as something like cum or precum enters my mouth. I feel like its mainly the consistency of it that does that since i usually dont like thicker substances.

Any tips on how to get used to the taste of it in my mouth? I know its mainly doing it more and more and getting used to it, but how long does that roughly take?

  1. Well my wife practiced on me for a year before beeing used to it.

    For the precum she used to press the shaft from the base to extract it then whip the drop With her finger. And return to suck it.
    Now it does not bother her anymore

    About the cum itself, she spitted it until one day she finds it easier to swallow.

  2. I’m sure it is just one of those things; you either like it, or you don’t. From my understanding, the flavor and consistency varies amongst men.

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