Posting on throw away account.

I (30 F) and my friend (30 F) who I’ll call B, are kind of in the middle of drama right now with my friends. A few people (32 M and 31 F) who I’ll call T and V have issues with a few of my closer friends ( 27 and 26 F) who I’ll call A and F.

A and F are great, but sometimes immature and don’t have the best etiquette. They’ll show up late to places a lot and don’t always RSVP to things. T and V like to host a lot of events that are all out and super fun. More and more they seem to feel A and F have been taking advantage of them. I don’t think this is their intent but I can see how T and V would feel this way. Me and B have said to T and V that they should try explaining that to A and F because they do take criticism like that well and would listen. T and V are at much different places in their lives than A and F so their schedules are extremely limited and taken up by their families etc. and they feel they don’t have the time to deal with A and F after years of this treatment.

All this is to say, T and V are continuing to host parties and events and excluding A and F and it’s become clear to them now. A complained to B about it recently and she didn’t know what to say because it’s not really our drama. We’ve suggested to A and F to reach out to them without divulging what T and V have said because we don’t want to get too involved. Is there anymore we can do here? I see all sides to this. For context too, A and F are sometimes exclusive and tend to leave people out a lot. For me, I’ve learned long ago to not take things like this so personally anymore and just be myself. Seems like they’re getting a bit of a taste and are reaping what they sow. I do want them to all work it out but I don’t think it’s a good idea to get involved because it’ll quickly turn into he said she said.

TL;DR half of my friends are excluding the other half and I’m in the middle

1 comment
  1. No you are not in the middle unless you choose to be. You have suggested they speak with each other, hold that position and don’t waver. They need to work out their own issues.

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