My husband and I have been married for 6 years. We lost a baby 4 years ago and it was very difficult for me to deal with the loose I was depressed and had no one since we live away from both our families. A friend of mine suggested I get a pet which I was hesitant about but when I talked to my husband he encouraged me so we did, he was a handsome little kitten and I loved him so much, it was therapeutic to have someone else to care for. Unfortunately in unexpected accident I lost him which in brought all the sadness back, it was like mourning my loose all over again and more because I really loved my cat. My husband couldn’t care less, he was cracking jokes with the garden keeper while I was barring my cat he couldn’t even pretend to care.
After a few months I decided to foster a cat and he didn’t mind, I didn’t want to adopt because we were planning on moving countries, later the same year I found out I was pregnant, it wasn’t planned but very much wanted, he started hinting on returning the cat which I refused and he gave me hell for having to clean the litter box.
After baby was born he started showing frustration and keep telling me to get rid of the cat and even throwing things at her sometimes and says she makes him depressed and brings bad energy and keeps saying she’s bad omen whatever that means. The cat is very quiet and well behaved so I don’t even know what he’s mad about.

Our relationship is not going well, because of (unrelated to the cat) he accused my sister of something bad (without any prove) and he wasn’t even a man about it, he didn’t confront her, he sent an “anonymous” message and didn’t even try to hide his identity well, she knew right away and talked to me, I had no idea about any of it but when she sent me a screenshot I knew it was him, he didn’t deny for long, I was mad and heartbroken, my sister and I’s relationship went sour because of his stupid actions.
I tried for so long to talk and try to fix things but it’s not easy when the other person can’t admit to their mistakes, he just shuts off when I try to explain what makes me upset and gives me the silent treatment.

He wasn’t working for three years and I was the sole provider he just started working six months ago. I can’t even be a stay at home mom because I don’t trust he’ll provide for me and baby.

Recently, it’s been a-lot to be around him we fight after two minutes together and I don’t think I like him anymore but I don’t want my daughter to grow up without a father .. he also says if I don’t kick the cat away he will hit her whenever he sees her which scared me
. so will I be crazy if I ask for divorce?

  1. No, you will not be crazy. Threatening violence to your cat is not ok – and he’s also trying to use threats against her to control you. You should be able to feel safe in your marriage and his behavior is not safe.

    Getting divorced doesn’t have to mean that your child grows up without a father. Hopefully he can be a reasonable co-parent if he can’t be a reasonable husband.

    Also, there’s literally no reason for him to be harassing your sister. That’s creepy.

  2. Abusers often start with abusing animals. You or child could be next as he escalates. Get away

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