My family isn’t going to have Thanksgiving dinner until Saturday.

  1. We go to like 4 or 5 Thanksgiving during the week of, people celebrate it all throughout the week. Some people work on Thanksgiving Day, so they do the weekend after/before. Or they schedule around other family’s schedule.

  2. Yes.

    I’m having it today with family at my brother’s house, then again on Saturday at my house with my niece and her girlfriend, who will be staying with me for the weekend.

    Two Thanksgivings! Excellent! ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)

  3. We always did Thanksgiving on Saturday when I was a kid. Extended family had moved away from home, so it was easier for everyone to travel in on Friday and stay the weekend.

  4. Also planning to do Saturday. We had planned on today, but my wife and I both have some kind of nasty, lingering cold. Hopefully we’ll be well enough by Saturday, otherwise we’ll just be distributing plates.

  5. I live in Switzerland and only know a few other Americans.

    We decided to celebrate “Thanksgiving” next Saturday December 2nd.

  6. No, but we did that last year. I’m engaged to a nurse, my sister is a nurse, and my brother in law (married to sister) is a doctor. Planning holidays is hard in the medical field.

  7. We’ve done this before in my family to accommodate for travel and other commitments but not this year. Thankfully we can all get together on the day.

  8. As someone who grew up with divorced parents and family that couldn’t get along. As a kid I always hoped that the dinners would be spaced out throughout the weekend. Never happened, had 4 dinners, maternial grandparents were also divorced, I had to go to every year on the same day. Had one at home, paternal grandparents, maternial grandmother, maternial grandfather. Each place also made us get a plate of food. I learned how to space food items and took a little from each place. Well except at home my dad and stepmom have years of experience in the catering business and they knew how to throw down in the kitchen and smoker.

  9. My extended family routinely has our Thanksgiving dinner the Saturday after. Some family members often have to work on Thursday.


    I’m in the process of making a small Thanksgiving meal for just my mom and myself. Sometimes I do a fairly sizeable spread for the two of us, but I’m just not up to that this year.

  10. I’m the Assistant Manager of a grocery store. I’m also an only child, unmarried, no kids. My dad’s been dead for nearly six years now and my mom lives an hour away.

    I’ll be meeting up with my mom next week for Thanksgiving.

  11. If it counts, my workplace is celebrating it late considering that on black friday or the day after, people that don’t work in freight are getting fried turkey. I for one wouldn’t mind eating some fried turkey, especially if my boss is the one cooking.

  12. Yep. I’m currently hanging with my husband who is in the hospital and not leaving until next week some time. So we will have Thanksgiving when he’s home.

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