Just like others, I also have my own circle of friends. But this one is kinda different. I don’t know how to describe it, but it’s like we’re close, but other times it seems like we’re not. Whenever I’m in the classroom, no one would say hi unless we have to talk, or when I would make the first move. Does college friendships work this way? It also feels like when I share something, they would judge me. Most of the time, they would cancel plans the last minute, too, which makes me mad. Not that mad MAD, but kind of mad because of betrayal. I mean, it’s not the first time it happened, but because of my excitement, I forget that they are ones who would cancel anything if they want to, even though it was already planned and decided. And then they would wonder about why I sulk about it? It’s funny because I don’t have any problems if they would cancel at least an hour before that, but they never did. I could have been at home already instead of eating lunch with them. I meant I have no problem eating with them BUT only when we have classes for the afternoon, because I could’ve been at home for lunch instead . However, that time it left me with two choices either to go home already if no plans or to go with the plan which is to spend the rest of the remaining time together. I chose the latter, and yet it didn’t happen. I’m honestly disappointed. If they told me earlier, then I would have saved myself from spending money on lunch and just went home instead.

1 comment
  1. do you think this is something you could tell them? maybe even jokingly you can say that y’all gotta stop canceling on each other or something. then again you’re young and in college you might find more meaningful friendships but you may also have to be more intentional in their development

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