Hi guys, I’m not really sure where yo post this so I thought to post it here.

I met this awesome girl like 5 hours ago on a dating site things were going so well, super connection, awesome spark. Then out of nowhere, she ghosted. The last thing she said was that she loved my videos (was showing her some of my music) and bam. Gone.

Sure there were a few red flags, she seemed to fixate on the spark we had and seemed super into me super fast but I’ve been single for 2 years now and was starved for attention and I loved every minute of it. At first I thought she was fake but after some pics and videos we determined we were both real. Like at some point she even said she hopes im not fake and that we really dig each other. I’m just soo blindsided.

Anyone have this kind of Interaction before? It’s the first girl I even remotely felt anything for since my ex fiancé.

Thank you everyone who can give insight.

PS: i really want to know why she ghosted me and even thougnt about reverse image searching her but i know i just have to move on.

  1. if ur first instinct that she’s fake then she more then likely she is.. if she isn’t fake then she lost interest in you cause she’s talking to a lot of other guys and she doesn’t want you she just wanted ur attention until she finds a guy she wants she wouldn’t throw that away

  2. Brother, its always confusing when someone goasts u, maybe she was thinking that the conversation was over and didnt really know what to say more. I think you should hit her up one last time to ask what she likes to do in her free time, if she responds get her off the dating app trough message or snapchat or smth. Try to get another conversation going and plan a date within 2-3 days. If she keeps goasting just move on. Youll find another girl thats acually intrested in you

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