Because there’s nothing to fight for, so it’s easier for women to find out if they are for them or not.

When she’s with a “bad guy”, she’s fighting for the image she hopes he becomes. And until (if ever) he fixes himself then she will find out if they are for her.

But when she’s with a nice guy, there are other factors to consider.

Maybe I’m wrong. But I’m a woman so just putting my 2 cents.

  1. I always figured it was out of a sense of entitlement. Nice Guy is kind of a nebulous term though so we’d have to agree on a definition.

  2. “Nice guys” lose because they think bringing the bare minimum of “being nice” to a relationship is enough to entitle them to that relationship. Most people aren’t attracted to “being nice” they’re attracted to a person’s personality and character. Those things require a depth that can only be acquired through personal growth and confidence gained from challenging oneself personally.

  3. There’s definitely a degree of interest.

    The boyscout nice guy type just isn’t as exciting as the mysterious guy or the guy with more personality quirks.

    That’s not to say nice guys always lose but for some women they just don’t go for that type.

    Also unfortunately this discussion has been ruined by the “nice guys”, guys who think basic decency entitles them to sex.

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