I am not from the West and therefore do not understand all the features of these countries

This question is certainly strange. But only because of the bad knowledge about the West

Very handsome, in the traditional sense

[This article](https://amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/jan/31/hunky-tory-attractive-people-more-likely-to-be-rightwing-study-finds)

  1. As a right-winger, of course!

    But seriously, no. Looks are not indicative of political belief.

  2. Quite simply, no. The only possible line of reasoning related to this that makes any sense to me is that people who can afford to spend a lot of money to maintain their appearance are more likely to be wealthy, and very wealthy people are inclined towards conservative politics, but “handsome = wealthy” is not anywhere close to being a given.

  3. No, I do not assume anything about political identity based on how beautiful or ugly someone looks.

  4. I am **VERY** handsome, my beliefs and political opinions span the whole spectrum and in many cases I am right wing.

    Can I be very handsome and short? Probably not. So maybe I am an anomaly, girls definitely lower their height standards to get in my pants.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if they ignore the fact that I am right wing because again I am very *****VERY***** handsome.

  5. As stupid as it sounds, and I am certainly skeptical, there have been numerous studies published that suggest there’s some type of correlation. I am not going to pretend to believe or understand any of their methodologies but if you google ‘”Are conservatives or liberals more attractive?” you’ll get a bunch of media reports about this that might contain links to the actual studies.

  6. That’s not really the stereotype here. The stereotype of right wing looks are usually pretty negative, like overweight rural Walmart types

    Short of someone wearing like a MAGA hat or Bernie t-shirt, you have no real way of knowing someone’s politics just by looking at them

  7. There are some very attractive people on both sides of the political spectrum. What conservative people stereotypically see as attractive is more in line with the conventional view of attractiveness. Many progressives complain that what is seen as conventionally attractive is white centric or otherwise discriminatory based on other factors.

    Tall, defined jawline, thin, muscular, probably light colored hair and light colored eyes. Good hair is thick or wavy or easy to style. Look at conservative news anchors.

    Jawline, thin, and muscle are all decried by the left as far phobic or ableist. Light hair and eyes and those hair qualities are decried as white features. Even the black conservative news anchors that you see have “white people hair.”

  8. No. You cannot tell the political views based on the appearance of someone. Can you post a link to the article?

  9. What?

    >non sequitur /nŏn sĕk′wĭ-tər, -too͝r″/


    >1. An inference or conclusion that does not follow from the premises or evidence.

    >2. A statement that does not follow logically from what preceded it.

  10. No, looks aren’t related to political views.

    I wonder if the basis for this idea is related to chad/tradwife vs soyjack memes popularized by the more online portion of the right.

  11. I wouldn’t say it’s a widely acknowledged stereotype but there’s a fairly broad body of scientific literature suggesting there is a correlation between attractiveness and conservative political alignment

  12. Right wing people are probably going to be perceived as more attractive on net because right wing people value conventional standards of beauty and aesthetic. Left wing people often prefer to break conventional standards, so they might groom and dress in a way that doesn’t conform to what people are used to.

    So there is some basis for it, but assuming everyone you find attractive is right wing is not going to play out in reality.

  13. No, I wouldn’t assume someone ugly or beautiful is apart of a certain political party.

  14. This would be along the same line of medical quackery as trying to determine if someone is a criminal based on the shape of their skull. No, you cannot determine ideology or political affiliation based on a person’s physical features.

  15. I haven’t noticed. I do notice that certain fashions or styles tend to be unique to certain parts of the country, and often signal conservative or liberal politics.

    In the US, people who are individualist—eager to preserve any institutions that give them the opportunity to get ahead—tend to vote conservative. More attractive people find more success in life. So I could imagine that more attractive people will skew toward individualists and therefore vote conservative, but I have no idea if this is true or not. Similarly, less attractive people who might have a harder time in life might find safety in collectivist policy. 🤷

  16. I don’t think there’s any real bias either way.

    I tend to associate far right beliefs with fat white guys in cargo shorts and Oakley’s, but that’s just because it’s what the vocal ones almost always look like around here.

    However, I fully understand that is a stereotype based on personal anecdote and do my best to mitigate it. So, my “default conservative” is the ball cap, goatee, Oakley’s fat guy if I have no other frame of reference, but it doesn’t shock or surprise me to see handsome conservatives either.

  17. Why would I make any assumption about the political affiliation of someone based on how attractive they are?

    That literally makes no sense whatsoever.

  18. I think right wingers tend to be way more image conscious than liberals and that is what is driving this perception. They would be more likely to do things like put on makeup or try to dress in better clothes and all that. They would be more ambitious and try to gain social status for money or power and so therefore they’d do what they can to look better also. So it’s not that attractive people are conservative, it’s that more conservatives probably tend to try to make themselves more attractive than liberals would.

    But your question is would we think someone is right wing if we saw an attractive person, and the answer is no.

  19. Someone’s outer appearance does not indicate their sanity, intelligence or political affiliation usually.

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