If there’s one day in your life you wish you could relive ,so you that could experience it again ,what day would that be?

  1. The day my dad called me the last time before he died. I didn’t meet him in between. I should have given more time and patience to that phone call, immediately planned to go and meet him. He was reaching out, I was absent minded and busy.

  2. Easily the day I fell for my first love.

    It was a gorgeous summer day. We spent the morning/early afternoon breaking in my brand new mattress (as young lovers do) and later in the day headed to the amusement park. I won her the big stuffed animal she wanted (on the first fucking try!) We got a wicked picture on the roller coaster which I still and will always have. Ended the evening with some tasty cocktails she made – sitting in the warm summer breeze with a nice view from my apartment at the time.

    If we could have relived that one before things ended, we might still be together.

  3. My 2nd grade birthday (8 years old?).

    My dad took me out of school early, we went downtown to the Museum of Science and Industry and then went to Chuck-e-cheese.

    Best birthday ever.

  4. Any day of the total 7-8 months that both my dogs were alive and we still had their 11 puppies. There’s just no such happiness greater than playing with 11 puppies and their parents.

  5. Go back to November 24 2002.

    I want to go back the day when I met my wife,and enjoy that day all over again. I love our life now, and it’s still as awesome as it was that day, but I just want to experience the first 8 hours of our love story all over again.

  6. My birthday back in 2013.

    It was the only birthday I’ve had that I was in a relationship. We went to a water park.

    God it’s been so long.

  7. The day my wife out of the blue hugged me for the longest time I can remember. Thanked me for being a wonderful husband and man, then proceeded to tell me she never imagined how rewarding motherhood could be. Thanked me again for making her a mother. She did not want children at our future talk before marriage way back when and I always wondered if she regretted her choice until that day. This was all while watching my son playing HS varsity team for first time. Maybe ten minutes later our son hits a base clearing triple to take the lead in the 6th. Furthermore I had the day off so I had time to be with them. It was a very good day for me

  8. 100% my first full day landing in Italy for vacation. I’ve grown up wanting to travel, and never got the chance to. I never travelled by plane, out of the country, or by myself up until then.

    So i was tackling 3 firsts/fears of mine, while knocking off something that I’ve been so passionate about my whole life.

    It was super emotional for me because I had just graduated college a week before then and had my birthday a few days before. I seriously teared up sitting there thinking about life.

  9. With my best friend who died of cancer a few years later, skied Killington in Vermont until 4:00 pm, drove home 4 hrs, played a hockey league game, he scored a hat trick, I assisted on his goals, and scored one myself, we won big.

    We were in our mid 30s, we felt like kings. I think about him everyday still, he was an incredible skier and hockey player, who had to be accomplishing something every hour of the day. He taught me the meaning of carpe diem.

  10. Literally any time i got to watch MASH with my grandfather before he passed. Hands down nothing else comes close to those memories.

  11. Whatever day it was I last spoke with my Dad. He passed suddenly. I don’t even remember the last conversation we had.

  12. That’s not fair. There’s lots of days I wish I could go back to so I could kick my own ass and maybe reduce the amount of bad memories I have.

  13. When my mom came to watch a military competition I was in. I was the only one with their mom there but my teammates loved her. It was pretty cool!

  14. These comments are bitter yet sweet reminders to enjoy the relationships you have at this moment because the worst emotional pain is someone you love becoming nothing more then a memory.

  15. Honeymoon. We fucked like sea otters and ate great food on a cruise. Never been on one before and slept so well

  16. The first and last time I was surprised by my dad. That day was Christmas 2005 when he went out of his way to buy me a Xbox 360.

  17. The night I met my future wife (after 2 months of hearing how we would be perfect for each other – before we’d ever met). It was love at first sight and we are still together and in love.

    Still there are other special times, but hard to top that one.

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