When I have purely penetrative sex with my boyfriend(FTM). He becomes almost completely paralyzed when I start. On top or on bottom they completely freeze and incapable of doing anything active. Talking is replaced only with whines and anything I might ask him to do he’s incapable of doing so no matter how hard he tries. Is his a mental or physical issue that’s preventing him from doing anything? Sorry if there’s literally nothing anyone can think of or I’m not providing enough information it’s late and I’m tired but I feel like we’re not capable of finding a solution.

  1. It sounds like it is a mental thing. What i would suggest, though it will take some time and patience, is The 90:10 rule. It follows the principle of you making the first move, while your partner closes the gap between the two of you. Try it with all the moves you wish to make in bed. Move in for a kiss 90% of the way, and let your partner move the rest of the way in. Try it when you’re about to lick their neck and before you press into them, this helps your partner feel more comfortable about actively performing in bed, as you’re guiding their moves, but allowing them to take charge.

  2. It could be that it hurts and he is trying not to say anything. You may need to take it a lot slower.

  3. I would say have a talk, take your time and see if you can get him to advance a little and add more as you go it most likely is a mental thing confidence thing. Also mentioned in another comment make sure he is comfortable and it is not causing him discomfort that he is just not admitting to.

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