Tr;Dl at the end.

I 17F have a crush on a boy 17M. Me and him went to middle school and now high school together. At first I never payed him any mind like I would with anyone else. He has a little reputation at my school, mostly on the guys side of gossip if anything. He takes body enhancing supplements (think steroids but not, my friend told me it was something similar to it I just don’t remember the name). I would say I couldn’t date someone like that because he was harming his body, and in the long run, it can cause health issues.

My crush started when I moved into his English class after my schedule got changed. I was two classes in when one day I just looked at him and boom a crush had formed. He’s really sweet, a little goofy, and a little naïve that it’s cute. Me and him have talked a couple of times. One being me and him walking to our last period and had a little conversation (Me and him have off campus together, that just means we have to take a bus to go to a different campus for extracurricular classes like culinary, cosmetology, and etc).

Anyway the other interaction we’ve had was before we went on thanksgiving break, he had told me my hair look nice, said it looked shiny, and then turned around and said it look like a Christmas tree (that made me laugh a bit). We then had a conversation about the hair products I use for my hair (me and him both have curly hair), we’ve had other encounters but I’ll spare you the details. That same day my friend had told him I liked him (at the end of the school day), but she only told him that I friend of hers had a crush on him.

She told me that she didn’t know whether or not I wanted him to know my name so she didn’t say, but I told her to go right ahead because I didn’t care that much. So now he knows it’s me or at least I think so, I go by a different name in my English class and my friend calls me by my government name.

My thing is, I don’t know whether he’s being friendly or he actually likes me, he’s Arab and I’m black. My friend, the one who told him, says she doesn’t think he likes black girls. I don’t think so either but you never really know.

I don’t know what I’m asking here but any advice is good. I rather not make the first move because my last two relationships I had made the first move and they ended because I wasn’t getting what I wanted from them (nether one of them knew how to be a boyfriend). So I feel like I’m picking wrong and I don’t want it to happen again.

Tl;Dr: I (17F) developed a crush on a boy (17M) who takes body-enhancing supplements. Our interactions have been friendly, but I’m unsure if he likes me. My friend told him about my crush, and now I’m contemplating whether to make the first move, considering my past relationships. Any advice is appreciated.

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