What is your wallpaper?

  1. My dog. I lost him 2 years ago and the wound is still open. I still find myself crying about him when I’m alone.

  2. Lock Screen: My favorite picture of my wife and I.

    Home Screen: A picture of a freight train going by my property.

  3. My wallpaper? It’s just a picture of my ex-girlfriend. She cheated on me but I can’t bring myself to change it.

  4. Pitch black. I hate desktop wallpapers, the most beautiful images in the world get oversaturated and over-seen after just two weeks. I think I started with black desktop look already in 2010.

    I have tons of pretty images in my Image folder, [like this,](https://i.imgur.com/S1MLtj4.jpg) but the prettier they are the fewer times per year do I gander at them, because every look takes something from it, makes the motif more plain.

  5. It’s this paper like substance that is stuck to my walls with a certain type of sticky paste. What a strange question…

  6. My kids silhouettes on the beach. My 5 year old loves and she’s walking with her 18 year old brother. Hes getting ready to go the military potentially or away to college, and she’ll be effectively an only child with older parents. My oldest daughter is estranged so I embrace the moments I have of them together.

  7. A photo of me and my deceased grandfather on my parent’s wedding day. My parents didn’t get married until a few years ago during the early era of the Pandemic and it was a happy day for everyone and it showed on my and my grandfather’s face that day. My grandfather was someone extremely special and important to me as he was extremely influential in shaping the person I am today along with my father and he had the wisdom and work ethic of 10 men and I always try to live by his example everyday and the wallpaper of him and I on my phone reminds me of that.

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