Are you regretting your choice of a marriage partner and what contributes to your regrets?

  1. I don’t regret who I married but when we married. We were young when we met. I was 20 he was 23. Married when I was 24 and he was a month away from turning 27. I was sick and didn’t want to live in my childhood home anymore for a variety of reasons. There was so many things that happened back to back including struggling financially, illness, immigration status and possible deportation, and my in laws being sick and depending on their children financially, family drama, Etc. It was so much stress that my hair was falling out in chunks and I went from 118 lbs to 85. I was so sick and depressed but going back home just wasn’t an option. It seemed really bleak and I couldn’t see a future anymore, not that I couldn’t see a future with him just in general. I wasn’t suicidal but had some dark thoughts around this time. I felt like I had the weight of the world on me as I was also running a non profit program working with a high risk population during this time and I just broke down. We are much better now but I didn’t think we were going to make it.

  2. I was actually just talking about this!

    my husband& I had a budget of like 6k. a lot we were doing ourselves, but I did splurge on a fancy cake. we ended up eloping and I canceled the cake even though it was totally paid for.

    I should have still gotten the cake& had a little get together anyways, or at least let my kids eat it.

  3. Ended up divorcing and still don’t regret any of it. All of it led to who I am today and I wouldn’t change that.

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