But i have no idea how to approach the subject because i have no idea what it’s called or when i describe it, its too extreme or extensive.. what is the name of this?

  1. i don’t know exactly the name of this kink but there’s a subreddit for it, it’s /r/boredandignored

  2. Seems like this is adjacent to the whole “free use thing” but instead of you being inside her while she is doing something else, you want it the other way around? I do pretty much all the cooking at home and one night she started sucking my cock while I was cooking… was cool for like the first minute until I actually had to get back to cooking and she was just kinda “in the way” lol. But she has blown me and rode me while I’m playing video games, she thinks is funny/a turn on watching me try and talk to my buddies on Xbox live during a match while she is trying to get me off.

  3. It’s kind of a form of free use and one of my favourite things to do. Trying to ignore that we’re having sex while doing other things for some reason gets me like nothing else

  4. I personally call many categories role play. If it has to do with a real life scenario, just with a chick in it, I call it rp. Just clarifying, do you mean cooking while getting a bj? Or reading a book and she throws herself onto you suddenly.

  5. While you’re doing those things or she’s doing them? And by “inside her” do you mean just having your dick in her or fucking her?

    If you’re talking about fucking her while she’s doing things, you’re mostly describing Free Use. If you go by the Pornhub model of Free Use, it’s legally required for her to look absolutely bored out of her mind while you fuck her.

    If you’re describing just having your dick inside her while either of you do stuff, I guess that would be a more active version of soaking or the cock warming mentioned already.

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