Context: him (m) and I (f) went to primary together and got pretty close, were best friends for a while. We fell out over something I can’t quite remember but we started avoiding eachother and only interact when we’d argue over text.

I remember texting him something like I “won’t be wasting my credit on someone like you” (my 10 or 11y/o self was a brat) and in general made it clear to him that I was angry at him. I left to go to another school and moved countries a couple of years later so we last saw eachother like 5 or 6 years ago.

I’ve been thinking about reconnecting with him for about a year now. I’ll be visiting my home country in the summer for the first time in 3 years (thanks covid) and was thinking of maybe texting him asking how he’s been and if he’d be interested to meet up, just thinking it might be a bit weird for him to suddenly receive a message from me after so long.

I’ve had a couple of old classmates message me in the past and have found it quite sweet but I know it might seem weird to some people. We’ve probably both changed quite a lot so I’m wondering whether I’m just trying to reconnect with the version of him I remember from years ago as I don’t really know what he’s like now.

Should I do it and if so any advice on how I should go about it?

Thanks 🙂

1 comment
  1. I absolutely think you should go for it. I don’t know how old you are, but regardless of your age, Facebook might be a good place to start. If your friend isn’t on it, someone else you went to school with or a parent of your friend might use Facebook. If you still have their contact information, you might want to try one of those people who’ve messaged you in the past; they may be in contact with your old chum. Good luck! I hope it works out for you

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