I’ve (25m searching for women) been on most of the popular dating apps for almost 4 years and haven’t had a single conversation with anyone

I’ve only matched with about a dozen or so people but never get a response after messaging them

Recently I’ve seen an opinion going around were people will actively avoid dating musicians at all costs, and I’ve wondered if that’s the only reason because the internets passing judgement on a whole sub demographic of people.
I really hope it’s not that, but given the way mob mentality works I would be surprised

Obviously I’m not gonna change myself to get a date but I was wondering if it’s even worth looking if I’m being treated like I have the cooties or something
As I’m typing this out it’s sounding more like a pity-me post but it’s gotten pretty frustrating and I doubt I’m gonna care if anyone gives me shit about it, so whatever

  1. Dating apps are just pay to win. The more money you put the more you gonna be promoted to other users. Definitely not worth it as well as you won’t find any decent girls in those, just hookups which is not worth it

  2. I’ve (M 53) met women from the apps. They’re real. Nothing panned out foe me, but they were real.

  3. If you’re a musician in todays world women probably think you make no money and are always working gigs – I’m sure that life style might appeal to other musicians.

    Dating apps are real and very fun for the right people – but for everyone else it’s probably similar to what you’re experiencing.

    I recently got married to the person I found on bumble so they work

  4. My last boyfriend we met on tinder and dated for 2 years. I met another ex of mine years ago on a dating app but only dated for 6 months. It’s definitely real. I would say the quality has definitely gone down though where I don’t think people take dating apps seriously and use it more for hooking up.

  5. See, if you wanted to know the actual truth, I could tell you what is happening here.

    But, you are just looking for affirmation because you can’t find it elsewhere.

    And if I tell you the truth, I will just get downvoted for being “mean” by people who relate to your post.

    So, just hit the gym, take professional photos, and spice up that bio!!!

  6. >Recently I’ve seen an opinion going around were people will actively avoid dating musicians at all costs, and I’ve wondered if that’s the only reason because the internets passing judgement on a whole sub demographic of people

    to be fair that is solid advice

  7. Men, on average, get less than 1 match a day on dating apps. No man should go on dating apps.

  8. Dating apps are designed to work so poorly that you pay for premium subscriptions out of sheer loneliness. Most people get dates, but never anything long-term since the algorithm only shows you people you’d find attractive. The cycle continues, and the user gets lonely and spends money on it thinking that will fix the problem. A lot of users become so fixated on it that they forget that socializing irl and seeing who you click with is an option (more labor-intensive, but free of charge and free from algorithm manipulation.) I personally view dating apps as being harmful to our collective mental health.

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