I ask because this is such a common theme in so many posts that I started questioning myself. I don’t take a partner watching porn personally. If it’s too frequent it becomes gross and pervy and I wouldn’t want to keep seeing him, but it still wouldn’t be “cheating” or a direct insult to my self esteem and desirability. Am I crazy?

  1. I’ve also wondered this. Go ahead for all i care. Its the warped underage porn or maybe addiction that’s concerning but, crazy as i am to many (i can’t even summon the energy to pretend to look vagielh interested in an opinion when it’s common knowledge the affairs in these people’s lives are very known, sadly. Funny that i, the insane one, find it bizarre and uncomfortable hearing about what these husbands and boyfriends are doing, address it with the guy jesus fucking christ) i just think it shows trust and security in a relationship and I, personally, think being accepted is rare.

  2. Not crazy. Just able to separate the feelings for him and what he finds pleasure in. Knowing if it’s to a certain degree you’d likely move on says you have a good relationship with your boundaries. Imo.

  3. You’re talking theoretically. Most people feel like you theoretically. You are posting with the purpose of letting Reddit know you are Not Like Other Girls. What if it was ruining your sex life in that he was addicted or prefers it to you? There’s no reason to knock theoretical women for a theoretical two dimensional issue with their theoretical partner when you could just do nothing instead.

  4. i don’t think it matters if it’s normal or not.

    for the record, it’s probably more on the normal side.

  5. My boyfriend and I send links to each other of things he wants to try together. I love it as it gives me insight as to what he likes, and it does the same for him. Life is too short for mediocre sex and guessing games of what each other wants.

  6. People usually come to reddit when they have issues. It’s fine if you don’t care about your bf watching porn. But people aren’t going to be posting about that regularly. Why would they?

    People are more likely to be posting that they have an issue because they don’t like it but they bf wants to.

  7. I happen to not mind either, in fact I like thinking about him watching porn.
    It’s only a problem if it takes away from attention to you.. I think that’s why people have an issue with it. Also there are ethical issues with porn for sure… I don’t judge people who don’t like their partner watching porn because there are good reasons not to like it.

  8. I think Reddit is the only place I’ve seen both porn and alcohol this frequently demonized. In the real world, many people do not give a shit about either.

  9. I don’t think you should unless there’s an addiction and or he is unable to perform sexually due to it.

    Or in the case he’s watching something truly deviant like kiddie stuff or something.

  10. I’m female and I watch porn no matter if I’m in relationship or not 🤷‍♀️ so I don’t care if my partner watches or not (I would rather say that being totally indifferent towards it is kinda weird? To me that is an indication that something is wrong with his libido)

  11. How’s your sex life?

    When I’m single, I watch porn. But in a relationship I prefer to “save” that energy and give it all to my girl.

    Especially when you live together, watching porn and jerking off instead of doing something with my girl just sounds silly, except in the context of watching porn together.

    Unless there’s a big libido difference I guess?

  12. I’m a woman and I don’t have a problem with my boyfriend watching porn. Usually on here it’s a problem because most of the time they prefer porn and masturbating as opposed to sex with their partner.

  13. Porn addiction is very real and does ruin relationships, but I commented on a post once saying I find it fine when my partner watches pornography (he doesn’t like videos tbh he just scrolls at gifs) when I give oral; I got FLAMED. Absolutely wrecked.

    The people who view porn as cheating are valid, but I personally find it crazy. My partner who validates and loves me, is not cheating on me by looking at another man getting his dick sucked while I suck his dick. I think if porn consumption is done without consent of both participants, AND it gets in the way of your relationship, then yes it’s an issue. But if not…I don’t see a big issue

  14. I used to not really care too much, until it would start to effect my sex life in past relationships. My exes both had issues with it and it would prevent them from performing or even having sex at all. I think it is like any drug where in moderation it’s fine, but excessively watching it does deteriorate a couples sex life and a man’s overall view of women, arousal etc. I have a high sex drive and I want me and my partner to be solely focused on each other, not looking outside of the relationship to get aroused. My bf and I both watch it occasionally, but we have sex all the time and it doesn’t affect him so much. Depends on the relationship.

  15. OP: “Is it normal I dont care if my partner watches porn frequently?”
    Also OP: “if it’s too frequent, it’s weird and pervy and I would break up with them”

  16. If it doesnt bother you, happy for you.
    If it bothers you, you shouldnt feel ashamed to voice your feelings and talk with your partner.

    Its not a matter of being normal or not. We all have different opinions and they are all valid.

  17. My boyfriend and I watch porn together and will send each other links we find sexy. My bf has a lower sex drive than I do, and he usually only watches porn with me, which we really enjoy doing.

    I watch more porn than he does because I masturbate a lot more, when he doesn’t (he will come to me for sex instead usually). I would never be mad at my bf for consuming porn unless it interfered with our sex life.

    I absolutely understand the women that get mad because their bf jerks off so much he is not interested in sex, or has unrealistic expectations of sex due to porn, or issues with death grips, etc. i would absolutely have an issue with it if my bf was more interested in porn than sex with me, or was addicted to it.

  18. I’m a guy and was married for 28 years. I watched poon and my partner didn’t and over time, my desire for her dropped. I don’t recommend that a guy do that. If you find his sex drive has dropped, cut the cable.

  19. There are tons of studies on how p*rn messes with serotonin and dopamine and ruins your stamina and seggs life. That’s why it could bother some women.

    Then there’s the whole objectification of women for male pleasure. Usually, the actors aren’t even enjoying themselves. There’s also trafficking and exploitation aspects/risks; you can never really know. I could go on. These are the reasons it would bother me, not due to jealousy.

  20. I just want to understand why would he watch porn if he can do it physically? Like it’s weird somehow!

  21. Just wait until you actually date or marry someone who has an addiction, regular porn watching is fine but having an addiction to it is a whole new ballgame.

  22. I think 90% of people don’t have a problem with it and go about their lives quietly. 10% have an issue and post about it so you see all those

  23. I’m a female and I don’t care if my boyfriend watches porn. In fact, we watch it together sometimes. If it gets to the point where he’s so addicted to porn and also refrains from having sex with me then that’s a problem.

  24. People keep saying you’re normal, but it’s also normal to not like your partner watching porn. You shouldn’t equate “normal” with “good”, because it really just means it’s a common thing.

  25. I do porn so I don’t care, I’ve met my partner through my porn page but I DO care about the type since I had past partners who were into some really intense SA/rape porn.

  26. No I am a woman and also don’t care. I watch porn to enjoy my “me time” and wouldn’t want someone taking that from me

    But we all have different boundaries and limits

  27. I think it’s pretty fucked up to tell someone what to do with their eyeballs, honestly. There are also people who have issues with their significant other masturbating at all which is just fucking weird.

  28. You’re the opposite of crazy, you’re comfortable in yourself and your relationship. Please never let anyone make you feel like you’re in the wrong for that.

  29. I was going to make this post. I don’t think it’s a big deal. They are actors and actresses. My partner will have as much access to Scarlett Johansson as they do Jada fire. They’re watching professionals. They can’t keep up even though I can lol. I dont think it’s a big deal but apparently for others it is. I’m so confused and feel like it’s blown out of proportion. It’s not that deep unless it’s an addiction.

  30. I was going to say this awhile back when I realized so many women have an issue with it… but decided against it lol. You’re not crazy. I feel the same way.

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