If you ever felt a constant need to be in a romantic relationship, how did you overcome it? How did you let go of that need and build a strong relationship with yourself?

  1. I can’t control or force a romantic relationship just out of the blue, and even meeting someone is not 100% up to me, so I focus on the things I can control, and I focus on myself.

  2. I overcame it when I got hurt, really bad by someone I loved very much and was with for 2 years.

    I stopped trying to find the one and started just having fun with guys but kept it very casual and worked on myself. Hit the gym, started to take a couple classes in school that I was always interest in, began spending time on hobbies (painting, reading) and just kinda dedicated all my spare time and energy to myself and not into another person.

  3. Oh gosh. I deleted everything. Spent time with myself. Did everything I wanted to do with a partner, with myself. I went to a concert tonight, wined and dined the shiiidd out of myself and had a great time dancing with random people. It’s taking me 8 months to get comfortable being by myself, but totally worth it. I had no clue who I was before. I make plans with my friends a couple times a week, and let myself mourn being single because sometimes it really does suck. But when it’s good, it’s good.

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