Hello, I’m currently working a retail job in a luxury department store. It’s been only 2 months since I’ve been working a 37.5 work week mostly standing for 8 hours on the shop floor. Due to this, I have found that I come home and don’t have any energy to do anything else like spend time on my hobbies or take interest in anything else. I spend my off days mostly sleeping and recovering for the next work day.
I find this affecting my life in general and also saddens me that I have no energy for other things. Has anyone gone through this? What can I do to balance my energy x

  1. It will improve to some extent if you’re not used to it over the months, it takes time to improve stamina and your body is having to adapt.

    Make sure you’ve adjusted your calories to take into account standing for that length, ideally enough protein and carbs and try to get 8 hours sleep every night.

  2. You will get better over time. I used to have a very, very manual job – it took about four or five months for my body to fully acclimatise to it.

  3. I know this isn’t the answer you will be hoping for. But you will adjust. Comfortable shoes are essential IMO. I used to wear terrible shoes that made my day so much worse.

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