My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 years, and we live with each other for 1 1/2 years. Honestly, our relationship has been a rollercoaster.

Earlier this year, we were having problems in the relationship because my boyfriend was constantly talking to other women he met online while playing games, but not telling me about it/lying about it. For example, one day I opened the door to the office and he was on Discord chatting with 1 other person about personal life stuff, but when I asked him about it, he said he was talking to a “group of people”. Or I would hear him whispering, and when I ask what’s going on, he’ll say “oh nothing, just browsing online”. He went through my phone and saw a message I sent to a friend saying that I’m highly considering breaking up with him. He confronted me about the text, and that’s when I confronted him about the lying. He admittedly told me that he purposely lied to me because he thought that “I would have a problem with him talking other women online, even though what he’s doing is innocent”. I told him that I don’t care if he’s talking to other women online, or about the gender at all – at that point in time we hadn’t gone out on a date in 2 months and we weren’t spending any quality time with each other at all, so that’s why I was upset (which, by the way, I explained to him \*multiple\* times) but I did find the random voice calls on discord for hours about personal life stuff offensive. He promised to be a changed man.

Fast forward to the past month, and oh man have things gone downhill again. But now I feel like that behavior is happening again. He would be in the office for hours, and I’d hear him talking about his job, where he lives, his goals, etc. I’ve also heard him say a bunch of lies, like how he has a bunch of money or how he’s the one buying a bunch of healthy foods for the apartment when I was the one who did. He’s also working out again all of the sudden. For the past 2 weeks, he’s been playing a Minecraft DLC with other people, though since the beginning of the relationship he promised to play that game with me (I know only because I also have Discord and I see his status). BUT whenever I ask him “what were you up to?” or “how was your day?”, he would never disclose the new game, nor the new people he met online. He would just say “oh, just playing games” and then change the subject.

Should I be concerned here? I should also add that I notice other things, like yesterday I think I saw from the corner of my eyes that he turned off his Discord notifications before we went out.

ETA: I also forgot to say – I don’t feel like my partner needs to be 100% transparent with me – like if he goes to a convenience store and talks to someone random, then I don’t need to know that. I care here because 1. He’s spending a good majority of his time every day talking to these people, wayyy more than with me, and 2. He’s revealing information that’s pretty private.

TL;DR – Boyfriend is constantly online talking to new people or playing games that he promised to play with me with other people. But whenever I ask him about what he’s been up to, he doesn’t disclose these details to me. Weirdly enough, if I’m on the phone with family/friends, he would ask me a bunch of questions, like who I was on the phone with, what did we talk about, etc. He has even asked me to block people. Should I be concerned?

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