As the title, really.

I’m a chronic pain sufferer and struggle to work. I hate my job and spend most of my non-work time either in bed and/or watching YouTube or TV.

I know I could be doing so much more and am incredibly depressed, so am looking for some ideas.

Inspire me Reddit!

  1. Are you able to play computer games at all? A lot of single people find they can connect with others this way.

  2. Same boat as you (although not single) – video games have been my fall back for the last two decades.

  3. Piano lessons, requires practise. Write/Produce music, which swallows time looking at software and trying new sounds. Gym. Music concerts and theatre (find cheap tickets for unexpected gigs). Visit family. Food shop. Sleep.

  4. 30-something single dad here. Daughter’s mum and I alternate nights we have the kiddo, so I’ll generally get every other evening to myself.


    I work from home and more often than not on the nights I’m alone, I’ll work a bit later to make up for the days I pick child up from school. Other than that, I play a little bit of playstation, but most of the time I find myself spending my evenings whacking on a bit of music and cooking a decent meal

  5. As several people have said, computer games. I also do calligraphy and brush lettering (rather slipped in the last month as I’ve been playing Cyberpunk). I knit and crochet. I cook and bake. I garden a little. Made tomato and chilli jam from home grown chillies and tomatoes!

  6. I alternate between watching porn and crying. I find these two activities fill my time very nicely.

  7. I made it a goal this year to find a hobby that is not watching TV. I tried reading more but I’m not consistent enough and tend to drop books mid way. Tried drawing, hated it. Tried painting, never really did it… Tried crocheting, loved it! That one stuck. I also bought a switch and spent several hundred hours on that. I also wanted to do something more active and try to do 4000 steps a day now. It’s trial and error.

  8. Fun little creative hobbies – Music production – Digital painting – write books

    I’ve got disability and don’t work therefore I rely on binge watching shows/films lot of reddit posts what shows to watch

    Gaming can be anything from browser games or better on steam or there are many free games to play best ones path of exile, which get’s updated every 3-5 months.

    Warframe is a blast too , also deep rock galactic is fun to play not free though.

    If you can’t afford decent PC to play latest stuff, I know there’s cloud gaming xbox pass which allows both Xbox users and PC user play without owning a expensive laptop/PC.

    Reading books can be a hobby as well, I feel the pain of being totally being bored and depressed

    Watching documentaries on netflix/youtube good way to keep enertained for bit or a youtube channel called EXPLORE WITH US which shows evidence / footage of killers and shizz

    Switch is also fun time to time e.g Zelda breath of the wild / Zelda tears of kingdom the new one are good time sinks.

  9. Things that don’t require leaving the house: read books, listen to podcasts about books, chat about books on discords about the podcasts about books.

  10. Aqua aerobics (hear me out).
    My loved ones were concerned about how I can happily not leave the house, or speak to anyone outside of work for weeks at a time, and my ‘mole in her hole’ gets a lot worse in winter.
    So my dad paid for a 3 month gym membership.
    The Aqua aerobics classes are something I can do without to much pain and strain (due to my disabilities), as it is a ‘gentle exercise’ aimed at an older demographic (though there are people my age and younger in the class).
    I didn’t want to waste my dad’s money so I’m doing about 6 classes a week, including aqua Zumba and aqua circuit training.
    there is a core group of ladies who go to every aqua class, they have been very warm and welcoming (we actually went out for coffee last week, after class).
    And oh my gods retired women can be so petty and bitchy about each other, so completely *drama*, it’s fun to watch. Oh they will gossip about anything

    TL:DR, I joined a gym, found classes at my ability level. Not sure how good it is for fitness, but for socialising and entertainment purposes it’s top notch

  11. I’m not single but I started an open university degree last year for fun and am finding it gives me something of my own to do. The fees are actually really reasonable, comparable to a lot of hobbies in my opinion and gives you a degree at the end if you pass. I’m doing creative writing so it also scratches that creative urge for me and I’ve made a few friends from FB/whatsapp groups doing it so it gives a bit of a social network.

  12. I’m not middle aged, but I do have chronic pain, I get out where I can and when I can’t I really enjoy playing games like Stardew Valley and Sims. They’re a little simpler to play, and I can genuinely spend hours on them.

  13. fuck TV and YT dude, get a pc and enjoy some chill games with some communities that u will surely discover. U can be alone but not lonely in ur evenings

  14. I’m not single but I am a pretty lonely person on account of being bad at staying in touch and a bit of social anxiety and depression. I fill my time with computer games and learning stuff.

    I like music so I have a guitar, electronic drum kit, ukulele, keyboard. Sometimes I actually even use them!
    Also stuff like Duolingo/Babbel plus many other language learning apps if you fancy learning a new language.
    Sites like Coursera offer some degree courses where you could study a new field or just even watch specific parts of courses (often for free).

  15. Free open university courses. Learning is never a waste of time regardless of what it’s about.

  16. Crafting, jigsaws, or anything creative or practical where you actually have something to show for it will give you a great sense of achievement.

    You could even make things and sell on etsy? Green pom-pom Brussels sprout garlands and ornaments, cut festive/autumnal/Easter shapes out of felt etc and make garlands.

    How about growing indoor plants or herbs? Cacti kits are quite cheap and easily available, and planting seeds and seeing those first green shoots is amazing. Anything where it’s not just ‘you’ is great for mental and physical health.

  17. Middle aged, chronic pain, work full time and exhausted most of the rest. Single and I have a cat. I’m pretty much like you – a lot of YouTube or their TV.

    Too much time is also spent feeling regretful about stupid shit I’ve done, mainly when drunk. I’m very good at beating myself up about things. But then I’m also a complete pillock sometimes too.

    Don’t necessarily recommend my path – often end up very depressed, harm myself and tried very hard to unalive myself once.

  18. Try and liven up tv/movie watching by theming – watch every film a certain actor/director as made in order for example

  19. I’m not single but my partner and I have the same hobby, we spend the majority of our free time doing archery, coaching archery, running our archery club and doing work for the various archery committees we’re on.

  20. I like to go hiking but I’m guessing that’s not an option for you.

    I used to silversmith and make jewellery. I taught myself and set up a little workbench in my sitting room. I started just with wire and gemstones and worked my way up to simple metalwork. It’s very absorbing and the time flies by.

  21. I take singing lessons and started surfing 3 years ago.

    I also travel, see friends and all. I actually could use more free time as I never have enough to do all I want to do.

  22. I’m 42. Not sure whether that’s middle-aged? But anyway I spend a lot of time knitting and crocheting. I also cook from starch a few days a week.

    I don’t have kids and wfh for 3 days a week so I am blessed to have a bit more spare time than the average person.

    Do a lot of tv and internet browsing too, which i do feel a bit guilty about, which is silly if i am enjoying it. Here’s a quote that steers me when I’m worried about what I’m doing with my time. “Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted”

  23. Gym. I’m not kidding. You will get into a better shape and into a better mind-space.

    Yes, even with chronic pain it could help you tremendously. (My lower back pain totally gone. One of my favourite exercise is deadlift.)

  24. i realise it’s not for everyone, and i don’t know about your specific pains, but long distance running genuinely saved my life. you’d be surprised what, mentally, even a small amount of exercise can do. good luck.

  25. 50 yo here and been single for 15 years. I play computer games, do some freelance work around my job, walk the dog and meet loads of people that way, mountain bike, run a little etsy shop, go to gigs, grow veggies, make my own cordials, occasionally go to the pub..

    Oh and occasionally stress over how long I’d lay dead and how much of me the dog will have eaten before I’m found.

  26. Considering I usually spend 10+ hours a day watching TV and YouTube, I don’t think my answer is particularly inspiring

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