Hi so I been dating this guy I’m 35f he’s 38m we’ve been talking almost 3 months I don’t mind it but when we have out which is maybe 2-3 days a week we have sex 3-7 times within a 24 hours period. I asked him why and how can he do it so much he’s saying that he’s just really attracted to me. But idk I’ve never been with someone that have the stamina like that it’s mind boggling for me lol don’t mind though I enjoy it with him but I’m starting to worry if he maybe has a sex problem. Anyone has any ideas? What’s your say on men that can do it multiple times within a few hrs?

  1. i can go 3, maybe 4 times in one night. i just happen to get hard very easily, soon after refractory period is gone the person i’m with would do anything sexy that would turn me on again

  2. I don’t know, it really depends on men health’s like having enough blood and pump system yo maintain that dick hard, also some confident and good mental health maybe, my bf it’s younger but definitely we have make out 8 times 24 hour and I think it’s normal, just enjoy it

  3. I’m 44f and my bf is 48m. We go 2-4 times in an 8 hour time frame (no pills for aide).
    When we are together for 24 hours I loose count. And this has been going on for 2 years. He says the same thing to me, that’s he’s just super attracted to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ but I’ll take it. Enjoy!

  4. He really is attraction to you. same thing happen with me and my ex. There was once we had sex 6x I’m ONE day. And we would have sex at least 2x a day. I was extremely attracted to him -and vice versa. And it kept going on until I realized that’s all we did. Have sex and nothing deeper than that. But this might not be your situation. However, if you’re thinking of soemthing long term- be prepared to be disappointed as this won’t last forever. And then at soem point you will feel like there’s soemthing going on or he doesn’t love you (or maybe it’s just me)

    In any case, HAVE FUN!

  5. I’m seeing someone casually, like once a week and have sex at least 3 times in a couple hours and if we have sleep overs like 5-6 times. He’s 32 and just gets hard from me looking at him the right way lol it’s a blessing, enjoy it.

  6. with my last sexual partner i was able to cum 5-6 times during sex in like a 7 hour window. and i think the physical attraction had a lot to do with it. men surprise themselves sometimes with how long they can actually last, previous to this it would be a herculean effort for me to even ejaculate back to back, but if the attraction is there and you’re with a healthy guy, he can definitely last awhile.

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