Mine is my calves. Never thought they were nice until I started getting compliments on them

  1. My shoulders. Years of swimming and I’ve got a wide frame. And bodybuilding made them even bigger. My wife comments on them often.

  2. I think the only physical attribute I have been complimented on is my eyelashes lol

  3. Calves. A bodybuilding buddy of mine said they looked like baseballs. I blushed.

  4. My hog. If those assholes in charge of 4-H would answer my letters, I’d be at the State Fair.

  5. An interesting question. I guess my moustache. It has the tenacity to thrive that my own will can’t compete with.

  6. People have complimented me on my broad strong shoulders and my “nice feet for a guy”, but I think my favorite are my knuckles. I know, it’s weird but I do push-ups on my knuckles and do some practice boxing with no gloves so my knuckles have build themselves up thick and strong but not grotesque looking.

  7. I guess my arms… when I started lifting I was 14yrs and it was the muscle (biceps) I most wanted to get big lol I’m 22 now and is still the muscles I like working out the most, 54cm flexed

  8. For the aesthetic answer: Legs and hands. But the one that matters – mind

  9. My D – it’s totally average in length but it has a really good girth and it was the only distincly manly thing about my body when I was a lanky 145-pounder with a baby face in my teens and early 20s.

  10. My dimples. Based on my observation, women tend to be nicer to guys when they have dimples.

  11. Not going to lie, it’s my penis.

    Spent my whole life thinking I was average size at best to the point I didn’t even believe my wife’s comments. Figured she was just boosting my ego. And since she’s the only person I’ve been with I had no corroborating comments.

    Then I had to measure to get the super fitted condoms you order online and figured, now that I have the numbers I may as well look up how I compare. I was super surprised and when I told my wife (looking like a kid on Christmas morning) she was like, “so you haven’t believed me for 15 years?”

    So perhaps it’s just because it’s a fairly recent revelation.

  12. My wiener. I’m not the most attractive guy in the world but when the cute girls know you have a big wiener, they come crawling to you

  13. I think it’s kinda stupid to be proud of any body part. Traits are inherited, including the capability to build muscle. Some people barely have to put in effort to look good while others have to put forth an extreme amount of effort (or get plastic surgery) to get the same result.

  14. Legs. I used to be obese and later got in shape. My legs are ripped compared to the rest of my body.

  15. My hands, my eyes, my ear lobes, and facial hair. I’m pretty okay with my outward appearance.

  16. My Penis. I’m in the Goldilocks Zone. Not too long, not too thick… Just right to make you walk-bowlegged for a week.

  17. It’s a toss up between my physique and my eyes. I’m in decent shape and have the V-taper and narrow waist. But my eyes contrast the rest of me. I have dark hair, tanned skin, but light blue-green eyes. I get a lot of compliments on them.

  18. Upper back. It’s simply really huge and strong. My stomach is somewhat and my arms are kinda weak but hey. I got shoulders

  19. My magnum dong.


    Everything else is ugly and disappointing lol.

  20. My dick. Perfect size and length, circumcised. Wife loves it

  21. I have heterochromia so ppl tend to like my eyes. Ones green the other is brown. Other than that I look stupid.

  22. I have a glorious golden mane. I also notice I got some nice strong sexy shoulders

  23. Eyes and butt. The first and second things my future wife noticed about me when I walked by her for the first time.

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