Ive been playing a game like forever now, i met a few close friends on that game, we almost always are together playing games and talking on discord for like a whole year. They’re not irl friends yet they’re the closest person ive ever had in my whole life.

One day, one of my friend in our friend group confessed to me that he liked me. I rejected, but he insisted, saying if i can give him a chance i can see the potential he had. I explained why i rejected him, basically saying that im not okay with LDR and wouldn’t want to date unless its mutual. He still insisted, it got to a point where it’s getting awkward between us. we still talks and hangout together on discord with our others friends, but whenever it is only me and him i always felt pressured, almost like i have to be on alert mode.
Every moment with him alone felt like he is going to drop a bomb, i know i said it like it is the end of the world, but the last thing i want to deal after a long day of classes and chasing deadlines is someone pressuring and pushing his feelings on me. i appreciated it but he made it hard for me to stay nice.

Fast forward after few weeks, things getting back to normal, he rarely bring anything up regarding to his feelings anymore nor shows any sign.

im getting busy with my finals, and hardly could even talk to them, he has been texting me saying that im ignoring him, and me who have been working all day and exhausted from finals really didnt take it well, it felt like i somehow owe him an explanation and felt like its a task i had to do, i told him nicely that im not ignoring him and im just tired and couldnt text back, he said okay and we moved on. he still send me texts and i had muted my notif so i wont be disturbed, when i got time to reply back he asked me what took me so long to reply, i told him i muted my notif to stay focus, he replied telling me to turn them back on, thats when i had enough.

i talked to my other friend about the situation, she told me to get some time off from social media. And here comes the stupidest things ive ever done, i deleted my socials media, i quit the game, i quit our server and blocked them, heck i even deleted my fb.

This is definitely not what my friend tell me to do but, at the time i felt like i could finally rest. After few months, i graduated, got awards, searching for jobs and stuffs, i feels like things are getting better for me after i quit the game. Although things couldn’t get any better than this i cant lie i still miss them.

These few months (around 4 months) i tried picking up new hobbies and new interests and i still couldn’t stop but thinking about them and how much fun we had. I wanted to reach out to them but i didnt have the courage to do so.

Yesterday i reinstalled the game and saw him online. I started to think about how i was such a baby for couldn’t even handle such a minor issue back then, and disappear from them without any explanation. even i will be hurt if someone i love did that to me. to the point i have to basically ghosted them. i regretted everything i did. Even the fact he is texting me could probably just mean he is just worrying about me as a friend. i know i could’ve done better, maybe just give him a little time to cooldown and move on. we could’ve still be friend.

i felt like i owe them an explanation of my disappearance but i don’t even know how to start.
i was thinking if i should reach out to him and apologise to him or not? maybe i should just move on and leave the past behind?
If you think i should reconnect what should i say to him?

TL; DR: Left my friends because one of them confessed to me, things getting awkward and i deleted my socials and etc, but now i missed them, and wonder if it worth it to reconnect with them.

  1. I personally find it very hard to reject someone, it almost feels as bad as being rejected.

    I suggest that you learn how to set boundaries, and he can’t oblige then it’s his problem. I think that it different for a women, but I can’t comment further on that topic.

  2. Here’s the thing about missing stuff – that’s totally ok, but you can also realise that those things were never good for you in the first place. That’s why you did the right thing and deleted/blocked it all.

    Look at the progress you have made in your life without it, of course you are feeling better – just keep reminding yourself why you are feeling better.

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