Men of Reddit, what is your love language?

  1. Touch. Gorilla glue like effect. You will be on my mind for a decade. Without it, I will inevitably doubt the trueness of us.

  2. I feel like I can genuinely fall for someone if they play with the back of my hair. It does something to me.

    I had a manager once put her arm around me and twirl my hair around her fingers. I never thought much about her but in that moment, I pictured a life with her.

    I even stayed in a relationship longer than needed only because she played with hair.

  3. Physical touch all the way.

    Gonna have to touch my crotch to cross the barrier from platonic love to romantic.

  4. Go to answer is quality time, but the times girls have made me melt have been acts of service. I damn near cried when my last gf made me breakfast unprompted while I was working from home.

    Just put an omelette in front of me, gave me a kiss, walked away. I couldn’t believe it.

  5. I have never met a man that didn’t say physical touch was their primary love language. Nothing wrong with this, just an observation.

  6. I’m about to get honest about my male ego…

    Affirmations, physical touch, and making me feel needed in the ways that I feel like I contribute. I want to be the tough guy. So if my woman is scared, I want her to turn to me to protect her. It strokes my ego and makes me feel needed. I want her to ask me if I can fix this thing for her, or open that other thing because it’s stuck. I want her to ask me about whether we can afford something so I can reassure her that our needs are comfortably taken care of.

    …but I also want to be loved on. I’m a tough guy, I’m not made of stone. Snuggle up to me. Hold my hand. Kiss me. Be intimate. I want to feel like I’m attractive and meeting her desires romantically.

    All that being said, I know that if those are things I want, I have to actually meet those expectations by being tough, handy, financially and emotionally stable, reliable, and by taking care of myself. And that’s part of how I express my love to her. By putting the effort into being the person she needs me to be.

  7. Receiving- affection. 100%. Giving- gifting. Dont take it as I throw money and gift. I choose things that will enrich your life by making it simpler or things that I observed in detail about you. Im also very affectionate.

  8. Physical contact – THAT DOESN’T MEAN SEX. I get so upset about it when women just think that’s what I’m saying. I’ll never forget the woman whose ‘hot take’ on a dating app was “your love language isn’t physical contact, you just like sex.” – very reductive thinking.

    I like *hugs*. Holding hands. I want to hold you and be held. The love and comfort I feel from this makes my heart so happy.

    Please know we who live on forms of love outside of sex exist.

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