I dated this girl only two times, everything was great. We talked a lot. But then after two weeks it was starting to get really complicated to see eachother again. She was really busy at work and we had different agendas. Anyways we keep talking every week. She was showing interest.
Our last chat was yesterday, she sent me a text asking me how was i doing, and i told her that i wanted to see her and she told me that she wanted too but that she was really busy this week. I was kinda tired of this situation but i told her that we will see eachother anytime soon. Today she removed me as a follower, but she stills follow me. AND ALSO, she still has me on her close friend list (i know because i can see her highlight story) AND ALSO i discovered that she muted my stories.

What does it mean?!?! Im confused. Its really weird. I dont understand

  1. Not worth thinking about. Just live your life and post things that show you’re living a life of abundance (to be clear, I’m not saying post things to make her jealous or want you but just do things and post things you want, like and show yourself having a good time).

    She will either contact you again or won’t.

    Trust me, I had a Chick I was seeing that eventually just ghosted me watch almost everything on my social media and she did eventually reach out a year later but things never progressed.

    In fact, she messaged me while she was figuring things out with her “bf” and then she didn’t reach out again (still watched my stuff), likely because they were going through a rough patch and she was looking to monkey branch back to me if things didn’t improve.

    So, I finally decided to just remove her a few weeks ago.

  2. If she’s avoiding hanging out then I don’t think it’s likely she’s super into you. Probably sees you as an option, might as well try to get her on another date and see what happens. If she keeps acting like she couldn’t care less then I would follow suite.

  3. That girl doesn’t have to take your whole post as she’s nothing . Move on n work on yourself. Don’t get attached to emotionally unavailable women in your next relationship

  4. She’s just stringing you along, probably dating someone whom she sees as a better option now. It sounds like you have been put on the bench.

    Move on. Don’t waste your time.

  5. Unless she’s working on an oil-rig in the Caspian Sea then you’ve become the backup guy.

    Don’t be that guy. Be the main character. Thus move on.

  6. Who cares ? Move on no sense in trying to decode some random crap if she was into you it would be a little more obvious not done through following and unfollowing

  7. Maybe you just post too many stories. A million notifications on the phone every day can get pretty annoying. Maybe she wants to leave some kind of mystery about you in her life. She could very well still like you.

  8. Either she’s nosy + invested in your life or she’s keeping you around as an option or both. Ngl I find it sus that she removed you but still follows you. She doesn’t want you seeing her stuff but wants to see yours like make it make sense lol. Anyways try to move on, live your life, post yourself having a good time like that other comment said.

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