Even in like texting, do they seem to use the same emojis, like they would to their friends, do they seem to ask alot of questions, do they “sorry im just seeing this”, if they see a text late. Do they seem giddy or excited, when talking to you in person, or were they just normal friendly, and it was hard to tell if they felt the same way.

1 comment
  1. Oh, the subtle dance of attraction!
    From my experience, when there’s mutual interest, the vibe does shift a bit.
    I once dated a guy that i found on Flure, who talked to me in a completely different way than he did with his friends or family. One of his friends once told me that I had a positive influence on him. In person, you might catch some giddiness – a smile that lingers a bit longer or a sparkle in their eyes. It’s like a shared secret, you know? But hey, everyone’s different, so these signs can be a bit elusive.
    Trust your instincts and go with the flow!

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