I saw this posted in the AskWomen sub Reddit. Figured I’d ask it here. Hit me with your best!

EDIT: I posted this out of curiosity for what I would get. On the AskWomen sub, Their answers had absolutely nothing to do with getting laid at the end of the night or going home with someone. I figured putting the same question in this sub may show a clear dividing line, and that the men would have more interest in making sure they get laid by the end of the night. By these comments, it seems like men don’t give a shit either lol. I’m pleasantly surprised.

  1. Bar with the boys, one with pool tables. Going out to drink gets pricy, but it’s always pretty fun

  2. Drinking and watching a game at the bar. Probably some gambling! Lots of bourbon and cigars

  3. Any kind of costume-themed event where I can dress up. Additionally, I like events that are less intense, like board game nights and things. Not so much into loud parties with alcohol, etc..

  4. Drinks and all you can eat Japanese/Korean barbecue. Then back to someone’s place for more drinks, games, and shooting the shit.

  5. Start with all you can eat Korean or Japanese BBQ, get a little drunk, then hit the arcade and play some race car games and drink some more. Hit up the ice cream shop, get milkshakes, and then hang out in the parking lot around our cars and jaw for an hour before calling it a night.

  6. I’d love to find some guys to play music with. Pizza, wings and guitars. But the music scene up here, especially for the kind of music I like, is dead as elvis. So I just play my guitar in my living room.

  7. Starts with drinks and just hanging out. Maybe at my place or one of their places. Then go out and see where the night takes us.

  8. me and the boys having a blast at the pub, then back home with a BBQ and then online gaming, yes, i am a online gamer.

  9. Dennys for dinner, trip to the bookstore, maybe we get a coffee and we are all home by 9:30.

  10. Food, drinks, not too loud a music and some place to get extra food in later when I’ve had too much drinking.
    Pool or some other activity doesn’t hurt. Board games too!

  11. Me, my brother and whomever we can bring along. It doesn’t matter where and when. I feel like my brother and I are a dynamic duo, we always have a great time no matter what.

  12. Hibachi. Extra fried rice. Sake. Home to drink rum and cokes until we’re tired while listening to good music (aka not Billboard Top 40, which is sad music sucks).

    Pool if it’s warm. Lots of cigarettes.

  13. Sitting at home alone or with friends with a 6 pack of decent beer, none of that cheap piss stuff, with a pizza, and some random Kung fu fighting movies where they dub English over so their mouths move at weird times.

  14. Spending time out doing whatever we feel is fun. Most guys nights I’ve had involved bar hopping or food, sometimes both

  15. Well, it’s gotta have a mix of good friends, some tasty grub, and a bit of fun. Picture this: starting with grabbing burgers or pizza, shooting the breeze over some cold ones, maybe catching a game at a local sports bar. Then, mix in a bit of friendly competition, maybe some pool or bowling. Top it off with a good laugh, and that’s my ideal night. Simple, chill, and surrounded by great company.

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