I’ve (24F) been with my boyfriend (25M) for 5 years. Usually sex was never an issue but now I’m just not craving it. I thought it would pass but it’s been around 2 months that I’m just not enjoying sex as much as I used to. I still very much love my boyfriend, he’s my best friend and we have a good relationship but lately I just haven’t had a high sex drive as I used to. I’m still very affectionate towards him like we still cuddle, kiss, and hold hands but it’s just the sex now that I’m just not craving. What can I do to fix this? Could it be a hormonal imbalance? I’ve been on the pill for about 8 years now but I don’t take any antidepressants that may be causing it.

  1. Hormones and the Contraceptive pill can cause big issues for women and teenagers. Estrogen is the worst as this dips and roses through the month.

    Try making sex linker and dirtier, may be involve a fantasy or two.

    My partner has completely lost her sex drive now for 3 months leaving me like a dog on heat and ready to jump on any women who feels the same way., for her it the pill that has caused little dies she know thou how I am feeling do not want to cheat but OMG I’m a horny guy every day like clock work so im struggling.

  2. Take a pregnancy test. This happened with my wife and I. Her sex drive dropped to zero and I was so confused. Two weeks later we found out she was pregnant. After that she never craved sex during any pregnancies for whatever reason.

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