I met this man on a dating app more than half a year ago. we spoke everyday, with calls as well. he’s consistent, caring, sweet and very respectful. overall a great guy, someone i saw myself with. he wasn’t ready for a relationship but was willing to try with me. time goes by but to no avail, i started bringing it up in conversations but eventually he declared he was simply not ready and won’t be for a long time. i felt him pull back, he let me know communication would drop a bit, i kinda felt his energy shift so it left me feeling a bit sad. i will add that we never met, and live in the same city. my intentions were pure, i was genuine and only spoke to him this whole time. i liked him. but he kinda decided that it’s best we just do our own thing, and to see what the future holds. he left the door open for communication but idk if i should text him bc i still like him so i feel it would mess with my head. should i just move on? or stay friends? idk.

  1. >i will add that we never met

    I know you called eachother but I feel like you should actually meet somebody before you even consider a relationship with them.

  2. You’ve been interacting with a guy for over 6 months, if you two are not seeing each-other on a frequent basis at this point, you’re wasting your time.

    You haven’t even met and you two live in the same city…

    I don’t know about you, but someone I was interested in, I would be making sure we have gone on a few dates at this point.

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