See subject.

  1. It’s the last thing I take off. I’m a little odd in the fact that I actually don’t like walking around braless. My boobs are kinda big (that’s not a brag, they just match the rest of me) and REALLY sensitive. So I want to crawl out of my skin if I brush up against anything, and having a bra on, with a little padding, helps minimize that..😬

  2. Taking my shoes off at any point in time is like a 1…I hate wearing shoes. Taking my bra off is a 2, as I don’t find my bra uncomfortable.

  3. 5, I tie it because I wear steel toes at work, but if I didn’t it would be more like a 7.

  4. Honestly it depends on the bra. The one I’m wearing right now? Can’t even tell it’s on so a solid 2 for taking it off. My ‘sexy’ bras? A solid 9 cause that shit feels like I might as well tie the girls up with ropes and strangle them.

  5. Alot of women say it’s the best feeling ever, but for me its the opposite. I take of my top when I get home and just leave my bra on lol. I don’t like the feeling of my boobs bouncing and flopping around when I’m trying to do stuff. Unless I’m sleeping, then it’s nice. So I give it a 2

  6. It feels good, maybe a 6 or a 7, but my boobs are both big and heavy and so I end up putting my bra back on not long afterwards.

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