I love football (die hard niners fan) and hockey is my second

  1. Die hard hockey fan. Grew up in the 90s watching the Wings steamroll the league. It was hard to be anything but a huge Wings fan.

  2. My husband’s family is Welsh so we prefer Rugby and are eagerly anticipating 6 Nations coming up in February. I support Scotland and he Supports Wales.

    I’m also a Miami Dolphins football fan (even though I’m in Va and a lot of folks here pull for Washington).

    I also love Golf, Boxing, MMA and Soccer/Football.

  3. Baseball finally lost me with the DH rule… so football.

    Also… cause I’m old (as evidenced by the first thing I said)… I watch a lot of golf and play it badly.

  4. I could watch baseball all day every day. After that it’s football then hockey very close behind.

  5. Men’s Lacrosse (Women’s is okay too but as a spectator, I like the added physicality of the Men’s game).

    It’s a high speed, high skill sport. It’s about the right amount of scoring for each goal to be exciting but still happen many times in a game. There are some hits that are fun to watch but they are a constant part of the game.

    It’s an easy enough sport to enjoy watching without having to know too much about the rules or the strategy but that has a lot of depth for people that do.

  6. Football/Basketball are 1a and 1b. I can’t really pick one or the other

    Baseball then hockey

    That being said, playoff baseball is incredible. It might be my favorite playoff sport

  7. Used to watch a lot of American football, lost interest like 7 years ago. I’ll watch a hockey game if I feel in the mood, but I’m pretty much done with sports.

  8. NFL, MLB, NBA, and then international soccer competitions. Don’t really care for college sports at all.

  9. I don’t really have one (I’m not a sports guy), but football, or soccer, comes in pretty close.

  10. I don’t really have one (I’m not a sports guy), but football, or soccer, comes in pretty close.

  11. People always think I’m being sarcastic, but mine is curling. Idk why, exactly. It’s just so cute to watch folks who look like hungover math teachers play Olympic level sports. They use a broom, for crying out loud!

  12. Baseball is the only one I watch, and I played Division I softball and want to coach softball one day if I have time

  13. I’m a huge hockey fan. I’m super excited to see it growing so fast, I just wish the barrier to entry wasn’t so high.

  14. Cross Country is my favorite sport (I’m a high school coach). I also like football and basketball, as well as track & field, and racing sports like cycling and skiing.

  15. To participate in: skiing (Alpine and Nordic) and cycling.

    To watch: cycling, hockey. Used to be football, but I just can’t stand the commercials anymore, and I’m not loosing weekends in front of tube for anything.

  16. Football and hockey are kind of tied. Then Baseball.

    I would rather get castrated with a spoon than watch basketball or soccer

  17. Soccer because I grew up playing it and come from a family of European immigrants. I mostly followed the USMNT, Italy, and the champions league but I started following the premier league since a lot of the games were available on standard cable. I am a West Ham fan and have been ever since I saw them play the first and only time I’ve ever been to London.

    I also follow the NFL and MLB heavily (Mets and jets) and I also like the NBA and NHL built in more of a casual fan.

  18. Hockey is easily the best spectator sport. Baseball is number 2 if you take away tailgating for football.

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