I can’t seem to figure out how to be interesting to people. I’m a good listener (I think). I ask people lots of questions about themselves, their experiences, their feelings & opinions, and I remember what they tell me. Most conversations that I have involve me doing that while the other person talks about themself. I do offer bits of info about myself that I hope will be fun and/or interesting, but the person I’m talking with almost never reacts with interest. Because of all this, I know most of my friends way better than they know me. I’m actually a smart person who’s enthusiastic about all kinds of things, and I’ve had lots of adventures and other life experiences that seem like they’d be of interest to others, at least some of the time.

Does anyone else have this problem?

I’ve tried to work on it by remembering that the things I get excited about aren’t always of interest to other people. (Though it would be great if I could find a friend who shared some of them.) I avoid bringing up obscure stuff & try to stick to more general topics. I practice being succinct, so when I tell someone something meaningful about myself, I try to do it in just a sentence. I’m also pretty good at being entertaining and getting people to laugh, which I hope will help create a bond. But I’m still struggling & I feel like no one’s interested in me. Your thoughts?

1 comment
  1. In order to that to happen, two potential options:

    – Having an interesting walk of life full of interesting anecdotes
    – being charismatic and having the capability to make fun comments out of pretty much any sentence.

    I see the general advice here of throwing questions like no tomorrow, that might work but only to a very small extent.

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